Thursday, August 03, 2006

Seattle Bennett Living in Colorado

So we lost Brooke and her girls again, its hard to believe they will be gone for 3 years and this will be the last we see of them for a while. They left yesterday and while it was not the most relaxing time for Mindi and Danger boy, we would not have had it any other way. Sierra needs someone her own size to pick on (Sadie) and 2 mothers (Mindi and Jane) and Kaia just stays on being the sweetest 2 year old in the world. If I had it my way Sierra and Ki would be frozen in time at around 20 months there is no cuter time then at that age.
Mom came in Tuesday and has been a great playmate for the girls, while Mindi goes on day 8 or is it 9 of not leaving the house a feat to her that far exceeds natural child birth. Work for me somehow managed to stay slow and easy for Tristan's arrival however it somehow senced my mom's arrival and has assumed a vigorus pace, only slightly halted by the late afternoon thunder storms.
Sorry no pictures but I'm sure Mindi will update soon.


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