Friday, September 15, 2006

esposa de povo

Mindi, Tristan is beautiful! He's filled out quite a bit. Oh, I can't wait to see him (in October!). That's hilarious that Sierra found it necessary to put tp on a clean toilet. cole's so funny. I've made such a HUGE deal about public restrooms, not touching ANYTHING, they're "disgusting", etc., that everytime we go out now (even at friend's houses) he makes a huge scene about how gross everything is...even if they are relatively clean. Kids are funny. Has joy school started up yet? I've thought about doing that for Cole but I'm gonna wait and see if he gets into a certain preschool that we'd like him to be in. His evaluation is today in fact. Before Geof. left he told Cole to make sure he was on his "dumbest" behavior. It's PEEP (Provo Early Education Program) and it's actually for developmentally delayed children. He was in it last fall but didn't make it in for preschool at 3 because he was doing okay. Now, because of my concern with his "social" skills, I'd like to get him back in. They do such a good job, and he LOVES it. The teachers are great. Most of them are recent BYU grads or are doing interns which automatically makes me trust them a lot more. Dayne's a doll. LeAnne cut her hair when she was here a few days ago and she looks more like a toddler now with bangs. ): Kind of sad but she's still the cutest thing around. Alright. Gotta run. Cole's on the DISGUSTING toilet and needs to be wiped. I still haven't been able to let him do it on his own...Darla


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