Friday, September 08, 2006

best cookies EVER!

Cam and Moni, I just wanted you to know I did make your yummy yum cookies and they turned out fantastic! They made the hugest batch ever so I froze some it and have baked some more up recently. I don't grind up all the oatmeal 'cuz I like the tecture. So, it's a weekend. We were GOING to go camping and Cole was SOO excited but not surprising to me, Geof. has to go into work tomorrow. Dang it. Oh well. He told me there's a few "moms" that he works with and he's worried if he doesn't show up he might get told on and fired. So hopefully we can do some tinfoil dinners and smores tomorrow night. I just didn't have enough of those during the summer so we'd better take advantage of it before the weather turns too sour. Geof. also called Brind fiance Kim and we're excited to meet her...tomorrow maybe? Don't worry Brind, Geof. and I will be on our best behavior. Mindi, I forgot to comment on your email. Soo funny. Adam cracks me up. He told me about that book right when he was buying it. DId he mention the cost?...(; I'm sorry about the beetles. That sounds familiar. Like it's happened somewhere before that I've lived. Don't they eventually move on to infest some other forest? Lame though..sorry. WEll, I'm incredibly behind on my school work. I haven't opened my Communications book or my Biology book and we're almost in our 4th week of school. I just don't want to do it! I'll let you know how my grades turn out. Alright. Gotta run. It's 2:15 and Cole's out in the back in his Batman PJ's looking for our little pet gardner snake. Maybe I should supervise. Love to all. Darla p.s. how R you feeling Jess?


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