Thursday, December 14, 2006

Juror #9

I was summoned to court on Monday for jury duty and was 1 of 12 people out of 53 to be on the jury for a criminal case. It turned out to be a very interesting experience. We were to determine if two men were involved in selling meth and cocaine. Monday and Tuesday we listened to witnesses and on Wednesday we heard closing arguments. We then deliberated for 5 1/2 hours!!! It was madness. I was ready to punch one guy right in the face. We found the men guilty and I felt sick as we read the verdict. I felt like we were dooming them to prison but what did they expect. So the moral...don't do drugs and don't be around people that do them or sell them. It really scared me to think this is going on all around us and it will probably only get worse.

Monday night we helped mom put up her Christmas decorations. I can't believe it is so close. I was in panic mode about gifts but we went shopping on Saturday and found a lot of stuff so I can calm down now. I almost have everything for everyone that I need.

Tuesday night was my work party. It was very fun. The food was great and I won an iPod shuffle. It is adorable, the new ones are so teeny. Chels and Joey were there and Joey was a part of the entertainment, it was hilarious.

Well I accidentally took a two hour nap after work today so now I need to get some stuff done so I better run.

Love you all!

Love, Jess


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