Thursday, December 21, 2006

povo wife

Hey to all. Congrats to Jan on going to Italy!! Of course we're all jealous! Who wouldn't want to go to Italy on their mission? Wow. And I had to laugh at Mindi's comment about it being so much better than something like, I don't know, Canada. Poor Geof. (: Dayne and I have been sick the last few days so if you haven't already heard Cam (i called moni), we'll be staying tomorrow night only. Yes, a bit of a mix up but oh well. I, like mindi, did not want to miss out on your terrific breakfast. Honestly. Things are going better than expected with Geof. gone. I've been blessed for the most part with more patience (on the MOST part) and play time with my kids. Dayne and I slept most of the morning and I felt so guilty but I didn't want to be sick when Geof. came home. So when I finally got up I was expecting poor Cole to be sitting in front of the T.V. bored out of his mind. Fortunately, he had built a fort kind of thing and was playing with his new pirate ship his friend brought over yesterday (he's really been spoiled). Cole asks for gifts everyday and I'm a little worried about his greediness. My sister said to not worry about it. He's still really young and to be honest, this is kind of his first year REALLY understanding the whole Christmas concept. And he LOVES it. As for Geof., he flies in at 11 pm tomorrow night, and then he leaves around 2 on Christmas day. yes, short and sweet. I told him I won't leave his sight for the whole 2 and a half days. we'll be spending most of it up in logan at my brothers. My sister and her fam are coming in from Cali. so it should be nice. what else? oh yea, Meagan, THANK you for the hat and gloves for the kids. your mom must have told you we needed them (: Maybe I should have saved opening it until Christmas day but we'll need it before that. Thanks again. Mindi and Adam, Colorado is crazy!! I can't believe your snow! We have a ton here too but not quite that much. Hopefully we'll see you soon. If I know Colorado though, the sun will be shining soon and everything will be melting. I gotta run. love to all. Darla p.s. Brooke, I'm REALLY sad we're missing you in WA.


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