Monday, December 04, 2006

thanks Brooke!

Perfect. After I posted, I actually thought, "you know, I'm sure if someone' s willing to give him a ride they'd probably eventually offer dinner". Not to disregard your advice Brooke. You're great. Things are going well this week. Last night I set up Cole's GINORMOUS Thomas the train set that he got for his bday. It took me an hour and a half but it's well worth the fun he's having with it. Now the trick is keeping Dayne from falling all over it. Poor thing, she's just not as coordinated as Cole is (not that many people are). She loves Cole SOO much and always tries to give him loves, from which he pushes her away and hits her. We're working on it though. He's getting better. As for the fridge thing Brooke, they're gonna try to get a microwave and fridge. I still feel sorry for him though. There's nothing like a good home cooked meal, even if it's just once a week. Not that that would be much different than how it's been at home. LeAnne's here for Jordan's wedding. She came over with Ellynn right when I was getting Cole off to school. So she proceeded to do laundry and mop my kitchen floor. All while I'm sitting on the couch in my PJ's studying for my Bio. test this week. I'm almost done with both classes and will be SOO happy to finish my finals as well. I love school but could there be a worst time? No husband, sick and pregnant, and FREEZING cold weather. no, I'm not complaining. And of course life couldn't be that bad if I can still find time to blog.


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