Friday, February 02, 2007

bg life

brooke i am so sorry to disappoint you.  i just think everyone is pretty tired of hearing from me.  so i will give you just a bit more than yesterday, but not too much.  no i have not heard about your house, mom thinks because she does not see me everyday she can just ignore me.  so do tell. 

hazel is the funniest cutest little thing in the world, but we think the full moon has been affecting her, because she has turned into a maniac.  hey when we have a full moon here, is there a full moon in germany?   i don't want to think about it long enough to figure it out.  i just want an answer.  hazel snuggles with me every night but when she is really ready to go to sleep, she starts calling, dada, dada.  cory comes and gets her and asks if she is ready to rock, then she snuggles her head into his neck and puts her hand up the sleeve of his shirt.  she loves to feel skin, as patty found out yesterday when hazy put her hand down p's shirt.  also hazel grunts, but really its more like a snort in the back of her nose.  because she is still not really talking she just points and makes that little noise or answers your questions with that same little snort.  it is really quite amusing.

wil just walked into the kitchen wearing some of jackson's sparing gear (pads used for fighting in tek kwan do), namely the helmet, gloves and groin guard.  i wish i knew how to put  pictures onto the computer, you really need to see it.  maybe cory can help me tonight.  but he wasn't satisfied with the red gloves he wanted the white ones which he asked for and i told him he was fine with what he had.  then he said, "harry, please, please harry", in the funny way hemiony always says it on the tapes we are listening too.  i almost died laughing.  he has the most advanced sense of humor.  yesterday i took wil and haz to the library and wil got his very own library card.  he was very excited, he picked out books for all the kids.

bennett just started a new ballet school, which is far more advanced than her last one and she loves it.  her kindergarten teacher says that she has gone from never even answering questions in class to student teaching.  she came home from school and made flash cards for herself of words she can not yet read.  then after ballet last night she practiced her leaps for like a half an hour.  she is an overachiever to say the least.  i think she gets that from her grandma allen.  i can't believe she will be 6 at the end of the month.

like i said jack just got sparing gear and last night jake (his best friend) and he got to kick the crap out of each other.  he was totally sweaty and a scab on his knuckle broke open and got the inside of his glove all bloody, he liked showing that off.  the other day at school he asked this little boy if he wanted him to open the door for him.  the little kid just looked at him for a second, flung the door open himself and walked inside.  i was like, wow jack that was nice of you to offer to help.  he said yeah, i'm just trying to be more like Jesus.   i think i will keep him. 

ok now i have to jet, to pick up my "student teacher"

love you all and brooke i think about you only every other second.   i miss you more than you will ever know!!!!  you are my best friend!!!!


ps jane skiing is the most amazing sport, you are right.  keep it up as long as you can and remind you mom, if she retires in georgia she will never get to ski again. 


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