Monday, February 12, 2007


Yep, it was pretty exciting today when we got home. I let the girls out of the car and told them to go into the laundry room and take off their shoes. I was unloading T when the girls came running back saying "we have a new dog!" I didn't really believe it was a real dog until I got into the laundry room and saw it standing on a box looking longingly out the window. It evidently was curious and pushed right through the door but couldn't get out because the dog door is sealed up. The trash was everywhere, ripped into a million pieces, along with some of our shoes. I opened the door into the house, sent the girls in (kicking and screaming because they wanted to pet "our new dog"), then opened the other door to let the dog out. Sierra tried to chase after it, yelling in an oscar winning, heart-broken sob "I want that dog". I must admit there is very little love in my heart for dogs these days.
Tony, how was your birthday?
I'm trying to make stuffed red peppers for dinner tonight. I had all the stuff I needed for one recipe, but I forgot it was a crock-pot one. So I get ready to make it at 4:45 hoping to have dinner at 6 and realized I should have started 8 hours ago. So I hurry and look up a recipe online and it calls for different things but I just decide to meld both together, using what I have and hope for the best. I've been on craigslist today responding to those in need of housing. We want to rent our upstairs to someone other than students who need dinner everynight. We've been doing that for over a year and we just can't take it anymore. There are a lot of sob stories on craigslist, I feel so bad for some of those people. It'll be interesting to see what works out. Well, our FHE buddies just canceled because they are sick. My mom just called and said her whole family is sick. We were there last night for dinner, so I just took another Airborne for good measure. What's everybody's plan for V-day? I get to help the YW have a "Mormon Tea Party" for our combined activity. One of the YW saw an article in Teen Magazine about hosting a tea party where everybody dresses up really fancy and talks in snobby acents, etc. Fun, eh?


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