Friday, March 23, 2007

Seattle Bennett living in Colorado

So I know its been a few days but congrats Jess and Tony I hope by now you are home from the hospital and just enjoying the baby she is definitely a Rigby, beautiful.

So I took Sierra snowboarding last Saturday and she tore it up if I can I will post a video I took with my phone. It kind of reminded me of the song that goes something like this
"and when the nurse cried out its a _ _ _ _ I'm sure it pleased you for _ _ _ _ are special or so you always said but when you found out I was a Snowboarded I bet you shouted out hip hip hurray" truly I was choked up to see her cruise down the mountain.

I can't help but be grateful for all the blessing God grants me and my family. The blessing are just flowing so fast it makes life great.

Mom has been in town for the last couple of days after helping Geof. and Darla with their move. I thought she needed a rest before going home so I put her to work pulling out the last pesky, rotten, no good, junipers in my yard, no offense to all you juniper lovers out there and we planted some beautiful cherry bushes that I hope will complete the final phase of yard overhaul.
Not to steal Brooke and Mike's thunder but Ellyn was hospitalized for the last couple of days Mike was pulled out of the field while pregnant Brooke watched her baby have sporadic seizures until she could be medicated properly and released from the hospital. So I know there have been pleas on the blog for prayers but we cannot ask enough for Devine inspiration, and strength for Brooke, Mike, and their doctors as they try to help little Ellyn.

Not to steal Geof. and Darla's thunder but they are moved into their new apartment and well, they wanted out of Provo, they're out. Strippers live above them and gays below and Darla keeps clicking her ruby slippers together but they're still there so I guess that's home. They maybe the only whites in the neighborhood. The good thing about that is that white culture has lost the art of BB Q's and with any luck Geof. will be able the infiltrate and steal some slow roast, finger licking, sauce slathering recipes.

all right I'm done stealing thunder and miss spelling words so bad that even spell check doesn't know how to fix them

Love you all Adam