Thursday, June 12, 2008


I was excited to see the "Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting: Building Up A Righteous Posterity" show up with the Ensign and Friend this month. Sister Tanner, talking about the "Proclamation" said as a young single adult she "remembers hearing them preach that we were to get married, to have children, and to get an education, sort of all simultaneously, as impossible as it sounds." Then Elder Holland said "you shouldn't miss the ties that bind and the experiences that link us together in our youth and in our hardship and in our sacrifices as well as in senior years when maybe you've got a little more money." I took that one out of context a little, but I really liked what he was saying about the "experiences that link us together" when we marry and have kids before we are "in the money". Then my favorite, Sister Lant said "Having children is a lot of work. And we have to not be afraid of that, because it's that very element of working hard and being willing to do whatever it takes that makes us who we are. It's the sacrifice that makes us who we are. I want to bear my testimony of the joy that comes from having families, from having children, because there's not only the commandment from the Lord to do it, but there are great promised blessings."
A young woman told me this week she has three goals in life: to become a doctor, to not get married, and to not have children. After telling her that two of those goals were in direct violation of God's commandments, I started thinking about how lonely that would be. Coming home to an empty house, no one to nurture and love, no one to pull you through the highs and lows of life. It is heartbreaking to contemplate.
Who would want to miss out on silly, creative moments like this?:

This is what happens when I get distracted on the computer. They taped their eyes, noses, ears, and mouths shut. It was hilarious (sounds dangerous, but no children suffocated in order to obtain this picture).


At 7:01 AM , Blogger Darla said...

So..., who was this lady you were talking to, and how did she react to you telling her what you did?? just curious. (:

At 7:53 AM , Blogger Mindi said...

Darla, I was talking to one of my young women, she is 12. I don't know what you mean by "how did she react to you telling her what you did?" What did I do?

At 3:31 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

i think she meant telling her that her goals are against God's laws and that she is an idiot. well maybe not that last part. mindi i love those quotes. sometimes i'm scared out of my mind about having kids right now when jason still has so much schooling left but hearing things like that just reassures me that we are doing what Heavenly Father wants us to.

At 7:49 PM , Blogger Darla said...

i sent mindi a reply on her blog..., just so i don't look like a jerk.


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