Friday, June 27, 2008


I posted this on my blog too. I've finally completed my first REAL sewing project. I hemmed some pants a few months ago and they turned out okay. I made these blankets for my friend Heather who just adopted twin girls from Vietnam. I'm so happy for her!! My good friend Emily helped me out with it. It took 2 different trips to her house (about 5 hours in all) to sew a few straight lines. And it really doesn't look too good. BUT..., once I got the hang of it, I really enjoyed it. I did a flannel side and a soft cotton side. One side for summer, and one for winter. I don't think Emily realized how little I knew about sewing machines (nothing at all really), so when she finally showed me how to work the machine, wind the thread up, etc., I really got the hang of it and loved it. I can't wait to get my own!!

Thank you Le Anne for your thoughts. Things are pretty scary right now, we're completely up in the air about what we're doing. I'm pretty tired of it all. Geof. is applying to all jobs right now, trying to find something that can comfortably support our family. Starting in the fall, I believe, his airline will drop all American Airline flights, leaving many pilots without a job. Geof. will still have his job, but his seniority drops that much more, making it that much harder to upgrade to Captain. So..., we're done. We are happy and grateful to be moving to Washington, but sad that our time in Virginia is over. I took the kids on a long, sweaty, humid walk tonight and loved every minute of it. As soon as the sun was down they chased fireflies all over the place. Oh, how we'll miss the east coast!!
We've made some good friendships out here and I get pretty choked up thinking of leaving them. I've made a very good friend out here who isn't LDS. She and her husband have been so kind to us. I haven't known many people as Christlike as them. I pray that I've made some sort of influence on her and her family and that one day they might have the desire to learn more about the Plan of Salvation. I think I'll share that quote with her that Brooke has on her blog.
As difficult and confusing as things are right now, I can't express how grateful and at peace I feel to know of God's plan for me. I'm so blessed to have made covenants with my Father in Heaven in the temple, covenants that act as a protectant against the evils of today. Why don't we share these truths with others more readily (or is "willingly" the better word?). I have seen Geof. grow closer to the Lord these past few weeks. Trials are blessings when we turn to the Lord. We need to think that way more often. I'm rambling. My kids are running around naked, gotta run!
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At 9:05 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

Darla, I can't stop thinking about you and your family and the circumstances you are in. We love you and pray for you often.


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