Monday, February 07, 2011

The Weekend

This weekend was pretty exciting around our house. Sadie was whisked away Friday evening for dinner at California Pizza Kitchen and dancing at River School's Daddy Daughter Dance.

Jane and Edie had a sleep over and then Jane spent the day rehearsing and performing in her second year of CCS Honor Band.

Sadie and Mike and Ellyn and Sawyer attended Landon Snyder's baptism (Landon and Sadie are friends).

We spent the rest of the weekend eating delicious food (I tried cooking lamb for the first time and it was a success- I love lamb and now the kids do too), taking a couple of great runs, going for a nice long walk on a 70 degree Sunday morning, eating way too many homemade chocolate chip peanut butter chip cookies, watching football, playing games, and loving being together as a family.
Darla, for your sake (she always says that our life sounds too perfect) I will tell you that my heart shape brownies for the dance did not come out of the silicone baking thingy and I had to redo the batch and have Mike and Sadie pick it up for the dance after dinner AND it was really stressful trying to get ready between Jane's practice and the concert because I had just done a six mile run and I was disgusting and they let them out 20 minutes late and I had to hurry and run home and shower and I was short tempered with my daughter who kept teasing me to try to lighten the mood, AND we forgot to buy more potato chips (they were eaten Friday) for the football game so Mike had to eat his favorite sour cream and onion dip with Triscuits. Oh, and there were a few tense moments during sacrament meeting with Ellyn, Sawyer, and even a little tiff between Sadie and Jane (something about eyelashes that don't curl up naturally). Also, I was really ornery with Jane right before bed Saturday night about something I could have handled much better. Good thing she is such a forgiving girl. See, not perfect, but overall really wonderful.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


At 10:33 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

You are a Princess and a wonderful wife and Mother!! Nothing else matters!!! Love you!

At 9:34 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

Maybe YOUR life is perfect but obviously Mike's is NOT! Triscuits?! Abomination!!

At 6:13 PM , Blogger Joan said...

Sounds pretty perfect to me! Something with peanut butter in it, a long walk and kids! How fun!


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