Wednesday, May 02, 2012

May day and before

We went to VA Beach this past weekend. It's been a kind of tradition for Dayne's bday (although I think we missed it last year). Every time we've been to this particular campground, the weather has been perfect (if not a little warm) and the beach has been all that we'd ever hoped for. Not so much this time around. Yes, the forecast was rainy and cold, but we were hopeful, we looked at those HIGHS instead of LOWS. It was colder than the lows, and rainy. Dang it. It didn't stop my three from running to the beach the first night and searching for crabs (none to be had), and then the following late morning. They lasted 15 minutes. FREEZING. Two families from our ward joined us this time and were good sports about the temperatures. But none were as brave as my three little fish.

Dayne and her treasures. She walked all along the beach, shivering.
Cole was thrilled to have three boys to keep his attention. 
June crushing on Camden.

My friend Eliza and her little family of boys joined us during the day (they now live in VA Beach). She and I met when we first lived in Richmond and our ward decided to boot those of us living in the more "ghetto" area of the ward to another ward. And they only gave us one week warning. So Eliza and I were made visiting teaching partners and hit it off INSTANTLY. Then I moved to WA. She (and I) didn't really think we'd stay friends. But we did! Oh boy, is she fun. She's from Long Island and her husband from Chile. She keeps me in line. And she's full of wisdom and sarcasm. Perfect.

...and my pretty little Dayne turned SEVEN. No!!!! Thank you for all the birthday wishes. She felt very loved. But at the end of the day, it was quite late last night, actually, she said to me and Geof., "How come you didn't make me a card, Mom and Dad?" You see, Dayne is our family's official card maker. For everyone. I need a card, I call on Dayne. And she does it out of love. Always creating cards for our family, friends, her teachers, kids in her church/school class. So after midnight, Geof. and I sat in our bed and made two cards for our sweet, thoughtful little Dayne..who is growing up too fast.


At 9:10 PM , Blogger LeAnne said...

I will be much better about a "thoughtful" card for Dayners. I was just proud of myself for getting a card to her on time. Good of you and Geof. to stay up and make a card for her. She is such a sweetheart!
Talk of Money on vacations should be strickly banned! Our YW lessson said there are more divorces because of money problems than because of adultery. Interesting!

At 12:45 PM , Blogger Brooke said...

The part about the card made me tear up. Our sweet girl!


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