Monday, October 22, 2012


I'm not completely retarded! You may all regret that I found this app! I am extremely excited to be back on the blog. It feels safe here. I have stopped posting on Facebook. I worry too much about what I write. This way I can bore people and not feel guilty; it's for posterity. Here goes.....
Actually I have only a few mildly amusing stories. First, Cash tells me today that we need to bury a penny in the garden so we can grow a baby boy. If that's true, we need only plant the money tree right next to it and we'll be all set. Scarlie is much too big and I am certainly missing the tiny baby stage. We just need to get Kev on board :/
Clo has started basketball and I am saying my prayers nightly that she likes it enough to stick with it until she can receive a college scholarship. Too early to worry about that? I think not. Why I didn't use my height for sports is a mystery. Instead I used it as a justification to eat more. Brilliant. Anywho, Clo is insanely hysterical and I am lucky to be around to see her grow up. The other day we drove past a beautiful pumpkin patch. After what must've been a lengthy explanation of how I felt like there isn't a more beautiful vegetable (is it a vegetable?) and nothing makes me happier to see growing than a pumpy, Clo says flatly, "Wow Mom. You've left us all speechless." She's awesome.
Mad is doing fantastic in school this year. By fantastic, I mean that she's not hysterically bawling when I drop her off. We're pretty excited.
Anyway, that is about it for now. I had some of my gums grafted last week and while it isn't quite as bad as childbirth (I had more than one person compare it to that), it certainly doesn't tickle. I'm going to go eat my mashed potatoes. Ok. Ok. You know I'm not eating just mashed potatoes. Ice cream is my new best friend. You think it's easy to maintain the weight of someone my size and stature?


At 7:25 PM , Blogger Darla said...

You are hilarious and I'm so happy you posted! SUch a great app, no?!

At 8:04 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

I am bursting with joy to read all these blog posts today!! Alicia, I've tried to cancel my FB account many times because I get so paranoid about it...but then how would I keep up with my visiting teaching, or see photos of my far away friends or know why the highway is shut down? I'm glad Mad is doing better, Kaia is sure giving me a run for my money this year. The other day I finally had to turn and run to my car when she wouldn't go into class. She chased me out the door and into the parking lot, sobbing. A fine parenting moment. I'm right there with you in your love of pumpkins :)

At 8:09 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

You need to stop worrying about what everyone else is thinking, because usually they aren't! Great post!

At 11:45 PM , Blogger LeAnne said...

YOU ARE BACK! and still so stinking funny I am laughing loud enough to wake the missionaries upstairs! They are wondering what El has done that is so funny!

At 7:21 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

Hooray!! I love when you post Leash! PS I totally agree with Jack's statement. I'm coming up to play soon! I miss you!

At 1:57 PM , Blogger Meags said...

Yay Alicia! I love the penny in the garden. I might have to try that one. Hazel asked me the other day when we get to adopt her two baby sisters. I said we had to ask daddy. She said "great I'll never get my babies now!!"

At 9:42 AM , Blogger beecher fam said...

Oh how I love reading your posts! So how is the mouth doing. I lived on mashed potatos and gravy the last time I did it. Also I learned to melt Reese's in the microwave for a delicious treat! Keep up the posts!

At 9:42 AM , Blogger beecher fam said...

opps, that last post was from me! Joan


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