Saturday, November 10, 2012

One *#=$ of a Morning

I know I just wrote but my day has been too good not to write about.
It started at 3:10 am when I was awakened by that wonderful gulping noise all my children make right before they puke. Kind of like the popping noise in the fire swamp (anyone?). I grab Harris and dash for the bathroom yelling at Wil to run down and get me a bowl. Then I realize he is in my bed because since he watched Sixth Sense he can not even go to the bathroom alone hence the reason he is in my bed. Cory and Jackson are at a scout camp out, of corse. So I hold bear while he pukes, clean him up then run down to the "scary" kitchen which I'm sure in wils mind has lots a open cupboards and a beaten down woman with slit wrists in a pink bathrobe. I get back upstairs and crawl into bed just in time to catch the next round of vomit. This goes on for the rest of the night as I try to figure out how I'm going to get kids to their soccer games without Cory and more importantly what I'm going to do if anyone else gets sick for the primary program tomorrow. Did I mention I'm in charge of the program and it has consumed my life for the last month? Puke and stress overwhelms my sleep. When we wake at 7:30 to get ready for the first game Harris seems to be doing better. He even wants to eat. So I make him a banana and applesauce shake. Silly me! We get half way to Benny's game and he up chuckes all over himself and his darn car seat. Mom and sisters you know the one the one that's impossible to clean, but don't worry it gets better. As soon as he's done spewing out one end the other end unleashes. Bye bye carseat! I drop Benn off (in tears, me not her) and run to target to purchase a new seat, new outfit and new undies. I run in leaving wil in the car with hazel and Harris and the cell phone. In record time I'm back out with...the girl version of the carseat, ARRRGGGG. I get Bear bear all cleaned up and settled while wil pulls out the carseat and leaves it by the car to help alleviate the smell which is starting my gag reflex. Hazel repacks the carseat and I run it back in. Again I'm fast as can be but at 9:00 in the morning the target employees are not so much. As I am walking up with this huge box in my arms the manager asks if I'm the owner of the white Yukon. Yes and yes my kids are out there but my baby is really sick and I had to grab some things to clean him up. She asks how old the oldest is and I tell her 10 and he has a cell phone. Now she's not worried but I am! Who is reporting me to the store manager and I'm sure CPS? So has they try to make my exchange I run out and check on the kids and wil says some lady was staring into the car. I relocked the car and ran back hoping the transaction was done. I grabbed my box, run out to the car and reach it at the same time as the lady who I assume was "so concerned". She asks if I'm aware that there's a carseat on the other side of the car. Yes, I am. Then she asks, Do you know how disconcerting it is to see an empty carseat and a car full of kids all alone in a parking lot? Um hello did you miss the pool of vomit and the smell of diarrhea? Oh all the things I would have said to her if my mind was on anything else besides caring for my poor baby. I said I was sorry and explained the situation and again she asks if I know how disconcerting it was for her? Not--oh I'm sorry or is he ok or I hope he feels better. So how concerned are you lady?!? That was my fabulous morning. I am the walking dead and still have a soccer party, a baptism, the after party, three dozen cookies to make, a sub to find for one of our classes and general stressing about the program. Plus I have the cutest little sicky to care for. Good thing Cory and all the other kids are being super helpful (kind of).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


At 10:41 PM , Blogger Anne and Peter said...

Bless your heart Meags. Peter says he would have told the lady where to shove her disconcertment.

At 11:02 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

I'm with Peter. What a freaking idiot!! I'm so sorry Meagy. What a nightmare. I hope you get some sleep tonight sissy!

At 11:13 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

Can i just say that wouldn't have happened in Utah! Just saying, that is my new favorite thing to tell people! Ha You should have given her the car seat!

At 11:44 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

Can i just say that wouldn't have happened in Utah! Just saying, that is my new favorite thing to tell people! Ha You should have given her the car seat!

At 12:56 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Ok I've rethought my previous statement! Here there would have been 20 people standing around your car, but the difference would be that after you explaned they would have helped you! I'm trying not to be so bias! (sp)

At 12:56 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

Ok I've rethought my previous statement! Here there would have been 20 people standing around your car, but the difference would be that after you explaned they would have helped you! I'm trying not to be so bias! (sp)

At 6:13 AM , Blogger Darla said...

Meagan!! You poor thing! Oh my..and all the while I'm trying to get a cantata from you! I feel horrible about it! :-/ Hope Hare Bear (and you!) feel better!

At 6:31 PM , Blogger Adam said...

You should have told her she was lucky because your ten year old was about to pull the glock and shoot the creapy old lady eye balling the car

At 8:31 PM , Blogger Jacki said...

I hope that you know I didn't those!

At 5:40 AM , Blogger Alicia said...

Poor Meagie. That sucks. People can be so weird. And Mom, that WOULD'VE happened in Utah, you goof. Weirdies live here too. Also Meags, how did your program go? I was thinking of you during our practice yesterday. I wanted to poke my eyes out. Cash is, hands down, the worst child in primary (and in existence, quite frankly). I drove him and Scarlett (who I tried to drop off in nursery a week early, but upon seeing a child toddle out without anyone noticing, quickly changed my mind. I got to wrestle her for an hour and a half instead) home with only 15 minutes to spare, and dropped them off to their sick father. I could not take a minute more.

At 10:29 AM , Blogger Ellynn said...

I think Finn and Cash would have a grand time together in primary then! Half way though the primary program I had to go sit on the stand with him because he would not stop freaking out and running off the stand to sit with me. Of course when I get up there I'm wrestling with him the whole time and he starts crying for Grandma who came to see him in his first primary program. It was everything I could do not to lose my temper in front of the entire ward. It was awesome. Oh and I had a muscle in my back that kept cramping and spasming so as I'm wrestling him I have to keep from whimpering like a baby.

At 8:42 AM , Blogger Meags said...

Oh the program. Well it's done and I'm afraid that was the best part about it. Over 100 kids on one stage is a bit over whelming for me. All I could see was caziness but others said it was good. Thee kids were cute, just crazy! I wanted to run onto the stage and beat my oldest daughter who thought she was violet from the increadibles. I wanted to yell, stand up straight and have some confidence!!! Cash and Finn rock. I would live to them in my primary. I love anyone with a personality. There are a few crazies in our primary that everyone is always stressing about, but they are my favorites!


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