Friday, July 22, 2005


Good luck with that paper, Jess. I just fed the elders lunch and now my guilt is gone. Because there are 4 of them they can come over when there is no husband home. Not something I'd want to do again, though, because I am a terrible conversationalist and there was lots of awkward pauses. I wish Darla the "filler of awkward silence" was here to help me out :). Alica, good luck with these final prego days. I was about to give my spiel about fear and labor but I'll spare you because it just sounds silly at this point. Well, my quiet-time is all over because both girls are awake and crying. Blog out...
p.s. Meagan--I know you love to run and it makes you feel good, but aren't you worried about the Mastitis monster?


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