Wednesday, August 31, 2005

oh my..... like you Mindi this whole H. Katrina devastation thing is killing me. I've been watching the news all evening and I can't believe how horrible this is. All I can do is pray and hope we have a little extra this month to give for tithing. So I heard (and I wouldn't be surprised if it was true) that gas could be going up like 75 cents in the next 2 weeks. Aah!! Okay...we better start greasing up our bicycles 'cuz I'm afraid that'll be our means for getting around if things don't start getting better. So mindi, tell me a little more about what you guys are doing for this hum. project kay? Maybe our ward can do something.....if we aren't already.'s 8:30 and Geof. was supposed to be off work at 7 pm and I haven't heard from him. SHould I be worried? love Darla p.s. Jess, I've had quite a few pink eyes and they've never just gone away. I think you'll have to get the drops. They're very contagious as well (i'm sure you already knew that). But isn't it lame how doctors just love to rob us. "Um yeah Mrs. Bennett, this is COle's 12th ear infection and once again we'll be giving him augmentin, but we just have to make keep coming in".


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