back to school
today i had to let jacky go. all day without me to guide him. this is what we have been preparing him for his whole life, right. with scriptures, primary songs, family prayer, fhe, church and the like. now i just pray it's enough. can he make the right choices everyday all day long? i know he can. he is a very smart, good boy. i don't know how i'll get through the rest of his life without him. i had him so i would always have a buddy around. oh well now the other three will have to entertain me.
i hope everyone had a lovely weekend. we sure did. on saturday we cleaned the house and hung out then went on a family run/bike ride on a beautiful trail, then had a picnic dinner at the college. on sunday we went to some falls with mom and dad then on a reverent walk along the river and up to some train tracks and through a tunnel. it was very fun. on mon. we didn't get as much done because wil had another fever. 104.7 sad little baby. all he wanted was mommy to hold him. we did go over to mike's parents for a bbq, one last get together. none of us are good at the whole good-bye thing so we just ignored it for the most part.
hazey is screeming so i must go put us all down for a nap. oh how i love getting up early to go for a run, so i have an excuse to sleep.
check you later.........meags
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