So I've joined three Yahoo! groups and now I'm way into chat slang and acronyms. Just kidding. I'm totally lost. A girl I visit teach was instant messaging me last night and she was like lol and dd and tty and I had no IDEA what was going on. So she sent me a link that has a chat slang dictionary and I found out that lol means laughing out loud and tty is talk to you later and dd is dear daughter which is what everyone calls their child (or ds for dear son or dh for dear husband) on these yahoo groups. Something about all that bugs me, I'm glad it hasn't infected our blog. So I'm about to get sucked into the OC again. I violently fought watching the second season, but I may not have the willpower to resist the third. What is it? I mean it is all so silly and ridiculous, but they are all so rich and good looking and they frolic around on the beach and on sail boats. Much like my own life, I guess. Hey, I gotta go. Adam just got back from the scout camp-out and now we are going climbing as a family. Happy is well
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