Sunday, March 05, 2006


We found out on Friday that our due date is August 10th, so that is exciting. My parent's took Sierra and I to the Disney on Ice Princess show and that was a dream come true for little Sie. She just couldn't believe her eyes and couldn't stop dancing and spinning with joy. I hope some of the pictures turned out so we can post them.
A friend of mine was saying that her sister has a young family and she is so organized that she does a meal plan for the month and goes to the store one time each month. I thought that sounded like a good idea so yesterday I tried it. A month sounded too lofty, so I tried for two weeks. It was really exhausting going to the health food store, King Soopers and then Costco but the girls did really well. In fact, when I was in the check out line in Kings, they kept hugging and kissing each other. It was really cute. The checkout guy said, "you must have two girls there, no way would two boys or a brother and sister treat each other that nice." Poor Kaia is always getting mistaken for a boy. That was a rare day shopping. Ususally I avoid taking the two of them to the store at all costs. That's all I can think of to post. Happy Birthday, King Vim.


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