Tuesday, May 16, 2006

back in blog

i really do feel really guilty about bloging at work but it's so darn slow! the only entertainment i have is to watch the icescaters below and you can really only watch the big sweat, over-zealous, guy so long without getting the heeby-jeebies. i don't even remember the last time i blogged so i don't know what to catch you up on. brind and i have decided to attend school in rexburg. i know we said salt lake, but the more we thought about it, the more rexburg just seemed like the right thing to do. i have no idea why, but i'm so excited about the idea i could burst. i'm going to be rooming with two of the sisters i served with in finland. i haven't even applied for the school there yet, but by the end of the week i'll have that taken care of. in the meantime i work not enough hours in a place 45 minutes away from my home which in turn causes me to have to put my paycheck almost directly in my plus-sucking gas tank. what can you do? nothing, just keep working for the man. speaking of the man, jessy! i cannot believe you went on a business trip! just like grown-ups. that sounds terrifying! you're so tough. too bad you didn't get to see ben. that would've been fun. that fire story sounds intense. almost as intense as cam's story. the difference between me and cam is, i wouldn't have even pulled in the parking lot if i had seen the car there. i would've just driven right past. well, as i don't have much else of relevence to say i'll sign off. but first, my favorite dessert would be ice cream as well. you just can't get enough of it.


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