Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The stars at night...

Are big and bright...Deep in the heart of Texas!

Well it has been a while so let me bring you up to speed. On May 1st I flew to Texas for my first ever business trip. Needless to say, I was a little nervous. Sure I have traveled to the nether regions of Europe for weeks at a time but that was always in a group. This 4 day trip was going to be solo. I flew into the DFW airport and had to rent a car and drive all around the Dallas/Fort Worth area by myself. It turned out to be not as scary as I thought it would be. I stayed at the nicest hotel in the area so that was sweet, it was called the Gaylord Texan (with a name like that is has to be sweet, right? JK). I was just bummed no one was there to share it with me. There were two big beds and only me. They turned down my bed and laid out a robe and slippies every night. I spent as much as I wanted on food whenever I wanted it and the company paid for it. It all sounds pretty nice but the truth is I learned a lot on that trip. I learned that I do not want to be in the corporate world while I raise children and that I love and missed Tony and my family so much. I visited Fidelity's Westlake site and most of the people I work with there are women. They all have kids and they are all trying to work and raise them at the same time. "To each his own" but for me I am going to stay at home. I missed Tony like crazy. It gave me a greater appreciation for people who live for months without their loved ones. Like missionaries but especially people in the military. I just can't imagine it. I tried meeting up with Ben Jones (mine and Elly's friend from Provo) but no luck. He didn't get my email in time.

Well besides the trip life has involved a lot, and I mean a lot, of yard work. Things are really shaping up. I will post pictures.

So here is an exciting tale. Sunday night, Lyd slept over at our house. She and I had snuggled down and Tony was downstairs playing x-box. I heard this loud bang like a gun shot so I jumped out of bed and looked out the window. I went to the other room to ask if Lyd had heard it and then I headed to the top of the stairs to yell down to Tony to see if he had heard it. I glanced out my side window and I could see a small bush on fire across the street. I yelled for Lyd and Tony to come and see it. We ran outside and called 911. People were starting to gather and I was wearing a robe and one guy said "nice outfit" so I decided to run and change. By the time I got back there were about 3 huge pine trees completely on fire. The flames were reaching the power lines and the firefighters still weren't there. We could feel the heat from across the street. Tony had run over to tell the people to get out of their house so I was panicking that things were going to get worse and he would be right in the middle of it. The wind was blowing so hard and luckily it blew it out instead of blowing it toward another tree. There are pine trees lining the whole road. It could've been a lot worse. So the firemen, who are located less then a mile away, finally showed up to put out the ashes. It was quite a night. We finally got settled in again and the wind was blowing so hard a transformer blew which made this strange humming sound and turned the whole sky green. It was freaky. I finally went to bed at about 1:00 and had a terrible night sleep worrying about everything. Lyd said she would sleep over anytime if it was always that lively.

Brookie, my favorite dessert is ice cream. Practically any flavor. Lately we have been cutting a banana into cookies and cream. It is not as bad for you when you eat fruit with ice cream...just kidding.

That is all for now. Chels, how are the twins? Blog out. Love Jess


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