Friday, June 02, 2006

dead from bread

NEW BLOGS!! NEW BLOGS!! oh martha! oh christmas! and not just any blogs. those were class "A". alicia you kill me. you're so d#$* funny. i'm just amazed that you made it 13 miles. not amazed really, more like bitter and envious. at about mile 4 i start crying and whimpering. at which point my older, stronger, and all around better, sister just picks me up, puts me on her back and decides now that i'm not holding her back, she'll run 15 more miles at a much faster clip. let me clarify that when i say "better" i don't mean better than brooke, just me. oh but speaking of brooke, i will relate to you all a funny story. this morning something funny happened in seminary which i will not relate for sake of time and the real point of the story. but it was funny, rest assured. so we are telling brooke this story as she's eating a bit of bread this morning. she starts laughing and somehow horks a piece of bread down the wrong pipe. and when i say horked, i mean it must have gone half way to the lung because the coughing fit that insued was horrific. hacking, gagging, coughing, spitting. i really thought she was on her way out if you know what i mean. i, not knowing what else to do, pull a jackson and just start praying. it worked. brooke is indeed still with us although i think there was brain damage due to lack of oxygen. maybe that was from before...not sure. she did almost die from bread!


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