Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Seattle Bennett living in Colorado

Cameron you talking about sprinkler systems brings back memories. Right before I moved to Colorado Mindi was already gone I decided I would put in a sprinkler system at the Provo house since we seemed to lay sod every year so the renters could get a fresh kill. So I had my crazy mission buddy help me, who owns a landscaping company. well the only time the 2 of us were free was 1 or 2 in the morning so he would cruise down we would bring out some lights and do as much work as we could quietly and then as fast as we could we fire up the bobcat with the trencher on it and trench then he would load up and take off and I would shut off all the lights in the house and try to pretend that nobody was home if the cops showed up. It was fun and I love power tools and big equipment, it makes you sick how fast a little bobcat take out a horde of junipers and trees load them in a dumpster and be gone 4 hours as opposed to me taking 4 weeks to do it by hand. On top of that I was just about a week ago I was complaining about my bonsai sized garden and what a waste it was and over night everything seemed to double in size.Last week on the job site one of the framers was picking up lumber and reached under some boards to find a 4' bull snake under there just about scared him to death, any ways it reminded me of uncle Kev's rattle snake story I think one of you Rigby's should post.
By the way speaking of time flying our little Kaia has only today left as a one year old.


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