Thursday, October 19, 2006


Meags, stop beating yourself up. You are a wonderful mom and daughter and maybe now that I'm gone you are a great visiting teacher as well. Mom does have a lot to do, she always does,'s just mom and Brind. She doesn't cook, her house is spotless, she has the time to do alot. You have time to do alot too. Alot of laundry, wiping down of bathrooms, vacuuming, cooking, lunch making, kid entertaining. Plus, I know you and I know you are helping and have already done a great deal- words from mom. She knows you'll help where you can. You are a great wife and mother and have the kindest heart of anyone I know. Even if you lose it every once in a while it's easy to forgive because you are so kind and caring and giving. It is true, what I told you last fall. You are truly a Christlike person in your thoughts and deeds and we all love you dearly.

So do you have the same route for v.t.? I just did one of my sisters yesterday. One down, one to go.

Mindi, your circumcision story is hysterical. I hope everything goes well. Poor baby, he'll be really grateful when he's older. Keep us posted.

Jess, I loved your blog. I have definitely missed you on here as of late, as well as the singles. I really like the name Indie/y/ee. I think I like y or ie best if you want an opinion. I'm glad you are done with all of your roofing problems. What a relief. I'm also glad you left you "sucky" job.

We are doing well. Life is busy. We are having a few families over tonight for dinner and games. Should go well. Got to get Jane out the door to school. I love you all. Love, Brooke



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