Thursday, October 19, 2006


I'm sorry. I didn't read the whole article before posting it. It was first printed in Mothering Magazine, which tends to be very extreme in its views. I don't believe that having children in a hospital is wrong, or that kids born at home will turn out better. I did what I did for selfish reasons, I just think that no drugs works best for my body. I really don't want to offend anyone who goes a different route (and if you read that whole article you might get the wrong idea about what I think). On a related note, I've spent what seems like hours today working on Tristan's circumcision issue. Our midwife gave us the number of a Jewish moyle (who also happens to be a gem cutter). I called him when Tristan was a few weeks old, but he was on a 7 week vacation to Israel, so I decided it couldn't hurt to wait. Well, turns out it really does HURT to wait. Our insurance only covers circumcision if it takes place in the hospital right after the baby is born. Otherwise it is a "cosmetic procedure" and costs somewhere between $150 and thousands (after several phone calls I still couldn't get anyone to give me an amount, one lady said 150 and the other kept saying it was very expensive, as much as several thousands). Then I found out that it would be very difficult to find a doctor who would do a circumcision before Tristan turns one because they'd want to put him totally under. The moyle ususally charges $375, but I talked him down to $250 (plus he can come over tonight). He said that I should give Tristan Tylenol before the procedure and then wine aftwards to help with the pain. After a huge internal debate about wanting to make this as painless as possible for my sweet baby (and a call to the bishop who thought it was funny and is sure he is the only lds bishop to be asked if we could let a jewish moyle give a baby wine), we decided to just stick with the Tylenol. A lady in the ward once told me that her kids were so sweet and happy until they started getting teeth, and then they never went back to being sweet and happy. That story scared the crap out of me, and I'm worried that's what will happen here, but worse. On the other hand, I can't fight the fact that I really do feel calm about all this and I know it'll all turn out fine. Just as long as I can avoid remembering what Mothering Magazine (and my mother) say about circumcision.


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