Monday, October 16, 2006


"A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world." John 16:21
Obviously a man wrote that scripture, but it made me think of Moni. I hope everything is going good for you guys and your new bundle of joy. And I certainly hope you "remembereth no more the anguish" of your difficult labor and C-section. I'm so sorry to hear you guys had to go through that.
Darla, I'm very impressed with your 4 mile runs. I ran 3 on Saturday. Started out with a goal to do four miles, but I came up with a plethora of excuses of why I should only run three.
Brooke, your Sadisms are great. I remember being just awful to my mom about shirts not fitting just right. I hated having things too tight around my arm pits. If I couldn't move my arms freely, I wouldn't wear the shirt. My poor mom. Sierra and Kaia haven't started any of that yet, but I'm sure it is coming. Sierra is practicing with the primary for the upcoming primary sacrament program. I got a call from a lady in the primary asking if I would please work with Sierra a little more on the lines and the songs. Sierra does a great job singing loud, a little too good of a job. I think she has picked up singing tips from Ben, our down-syndrome kid in the ward. They both like to sing at the top of their lungs, whether they know the words or not. There just isn't enough kids in the primary for Sierra to blend in and be an average 4 year-old. Everything she does is very obvious to the entire congregation and I have a feeling she is going to have everyone laughing like she did during the Mother's Day program. Na ja, as the Germans say.


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