Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Darla, it was incredibly cryptic. I mentioned that the dr asked me if I was "carrying child" and then I said good thing it wasn't two days later. The "carrying child" phrase came from my husband, he made me write it. He said everything else was too obvious. So I know it sounded totally bizarre and dorky. I cringed every time I read it and Mike laughed.

Yes, it's true. Mid October we should have a little U.S./ German citizen in a very cool Euro stroller. Yes, I am so excited for a cool pram I can hardly stand it. As I've already said they have the coolest strollers here and I don't care if it is brand new for our last child. I'll save it for Ellynn, if she ever remembers she has a sister and calls. Hey, at this rate, I can save it for my grand kids.

It did make me feel better to know why I had been feeling like a slug. I have been SO tired. I'm sure Ellyn has something to do with that. I've already had little mini waves of nausea- yuck.
It still feels so surreal to me I feel like I should retake the test. I can tell you I was more than a bit shocked when I saw that thin blue line.

Ellyn turns three today. She is so excited. It's all she can talk about, at least I think that's what she was giggling about at 3 this morning. Sadie and Ellyn and I are going to the pool today for Ellyn's big day. I bought a few V day things in the dollar section at Target during Christmas and some V day shirts as well and the girls were thrilled. We decorated their doors with heart notes last night and it took Jane three times going in and out of her room to notice.

Sadie just took advantage of me blogging to turn on Bride and Prejudice. She and Jane love dancing along to "No Life Without Wife." Hopefully there are a few things that go over Sadie's head. Her new favorite movie is Emma, the one with Gwyneth Paltrow. Weird kid.

Mindi, I don't know how you have done dinner for everyone for so long. You are amazing, but I think we all know that. You would be even more amazing if you kept all the stray dogs you find. I really think you should consider it: ).

Meags, my kids also have very strong opinions about this baby. Yes, they already know. My plan was to not tell ANYONE for a month or so but my very excited husband can't keep a secret. Sadie says we have enough girls and that she needs a baby brother, that is when she believes I'm pregnant. She asks about 10 times a day if I really am. She says my tummy is too tiny. That will all change soon. Jane wants a girl and Mike keeps telling the girls that Henry will be the boss of all his sisters by sheer virtue of his maleness. You can only imagine how that goes over with Jane. I tell him I can't wait to raise a kind, sensitive man that does dishes.

Okay, I better get moving. Geof. and Darla our prayers are with you. Meags is exactly right, this whole thing has been too bizarre. If it doesn't work it is just not supposed to. I love you all. Happy Valentine's Day!


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