Tuesday, February 13, 2007

bg life

wow mindi that dog story was just a little more than i can handle.  first of all if my kids had walked in and a seen a dog they would have been screaming and crying, (they got my love of dogs) then i would have walked in and joined them, then grabbed them all and ran.  the dog would have probably stayed their until cory could have come home and done something about it.    as for v-day plans, cory's mom is watching the kids tonight so we can just hang out.  saturday night we went to the stake v-day dance and it was about as fun as it sounds, although we did get to talk to a few of our friends for a minute and see darla's hottie aunt who was wearing a dress from when she was sixteen, 7 children and how many years later.  those eriksson/sellers have some pretty hot jeans.  we left the dance in the middle and went parking, oh wait cory's truck is way too small for that, so we just went and got smoothies at burgerville.  tomorrow night cory doesn't have mutual, so we are making a romantic dinner for the kids.  cory did it for them last year with candles, their favorite food, candy all over the table and sparkling cider.  they loved it and have talked about it all year so of course jackson being his father's sentimental son has to have the same thing this year.  it's pretty cute.  we are making sugar cookies this afternoon for the kids to take to their classmates tomorrow.  that is if they make it to school.  jack went today, but very late and benny stayed home again.  all the kids have been sick f-o-r-e-v-e-r!!  i am worn out just taking care of them.  but hopefully they will be back to their crazy selves soon enough. 

darla and geof. you are in our prayers.  it is in times like these that you see where you need to place your confidence.  geoffrey is the smartest hardest working boy i know and i tell everyone, just ask.  so we know that God has a plan and that is where the confidence must lie.  not in ourselves but in Him and His plans.  i know you will be happy with whatever the outcome because you are just that kind of people. 

scarry story...last night we got our new fridge.  oh so pretty and huge.  too bad we are too poor to ever fill it.  anyway they pull out the old fridge and don't tell my mom because she would be so ashamed, but there was a ton of crap under there.  a million magnets, pen, papers, dust, etc, etc.  and after we clear all that away and i'm mopping the floor and wall (like my mom does once a month) we see a HUGE burn mark on the floor, and it's still hot.  um yeah with my neglect of cleaning and my huge old fridge putting off that much heat we are lucky we didn't die in some horrific house fire.  so i expect all of you slackers who don't clean out from under your fridge (obliviously not you jesse, not because you are so pregnant, but because i'm sure you already do) to take a look and make sure you are not a fire hazard as we were. 

my kids are so excited that aunt brookie is having a baby, they are already fighting over if it will be a boy or girl.  jack says he is sick of all these girl cousins, but wil says he doesn't care he will love it no matter which it is.  bennett of course wants a girl and hazel hasn't said much about it.  really all she cares about is who is going to hold her 24/7.  yes and seeing's how daddy is the only one who will do this (when he is home) he is her #1.  she just goes around all day saying, "daddy, daddy" and snuggling him to death as soon as he walks in the door. 

so was this long and boring enough for you all?  chels i had almost given up hope that we would ever hear from you again.  i'm so happy you are still hanging on to the blog.  life sounds busy, but good, say hi to all the girls including the mama girl.

                                blog on......me 


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