Friday, June 13, 2008


Along the same lines as Jessica's shoe question, I want to know how you bloggers keep track of your finances? I've tried free services like PearBudget but was frustrated by the lack of categories (ex. I want to tag things in minute detail). I heard about a few months ago and set up an account there. I was really excited about it until this morning when I downloaded all our accounts and it showed that I spent twice as much on food as I thought I spent. I'm sure there must be a mistake somewhere, but I don't have time to find it. All I have time for is panic. I want to micromanage, but I don't often make the time to do so. Adam hates micromanagement. He just wants to look at the credit card statement and if it is more than he'd like it to be, he gets grumpy. I read a story on Wesabe about a couple who was $40K in debt and they went on the "All Cash Diet" and managed to pay off their bills in an impressive amount of time. We aren't in debt like that, but it sounds like a great plan. I know Meagan and Cory use some sort of cash system. I'm worried that I would lose my month's supply of food money then I would just curl into a ball and die. Anyone have any great money management tips for me?


At 8:25 AM , Blogger Jacki said...

I use Microsoft Money and love it. We use debt card only, same as cash but I can download from the bank right to my M.Money account. It has as many different catagories (sp)as you want to make up and at the end of the month all you have to do it feed in what your ending amount from your bank statment was and it balances it for you!!! Another plus, I hated doing that! Anyway sorry I don't know how much it cost, my computer guy puts it on for me. But I think that he told me that it is not too bad and unless it is really expensive it is worth every pennie! Love you Aunt Jack p.s. it helps you set up budgets, which I hate and tells you where you have spent every last pennie!

At 4:33 PM , Blogger Meags said...

cory is very good with our money, yes, and he gives me cash, yes, and beyond that i do not know. he would like to show me, but jess, and ad you remember alicia in europe, that is a bit how i have become. on paper it does not all work out, but that is why we pay tithing.

At 11:16 AM , Blogger Darla said...

Geof.'s idea of a budget, "Just don't spend money Darla." hm...does that help you Mindi?

At 1:04 PM , Blogger Jessica said...

I am afraid I won't be much help with this one. We don't use any fancy computer programs, which we probably should and we don't really use a budget, which we probably should. We just keep an eye on the bank account and when the money is almost gone we go on "lock down" which is where we don't get to do anything unless it is free or very cheap. We need to be better about tracking our money but I used to be so OCD about it that I was getting out of hand so I kind of just gave up.


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