Wednesday, May 27, 2009


All of the sudden I realized that I have not been on here forever. Also, my Mother's Day Blog to my mom got cut off and I have not even fixed it. Lame excuse, but it is hard to go back and rewrite something you really put time and effort into. I will though, I owe at least that to the great mom I've got.

Aunt Paula, Happy Birthday. I love you and I hope you had a wonderful day.

All is going well here. We just got back from another camping trip. This one was with Mike's old ward from before his mission. His family is still in close contact with many of the members and a couple of Mike's friends from high school and their families were there as well as Mike's parents and his sister Kim, her husband Treven, and my two very cute nieces. We had an absolute blast. Sadie was friends with EVERYONE in the entire camp. I'm not kidding, we would be walking along and countless strangers would call out "hi Sadie" everywhere we went. The girl is social.

Jane made great friends with Sarah, the daughter of one of Mike's best friends from high school and they spent the whole weekend playing together.

Ellyn loves camping and so does Sawyer. We played down at the river, Jane road a tandem bike (two were brought for the ward to use) every day at least a few times. The girls each were able to spend some time floating in a couple of boats, including Ellyn, we built lots of fires, ate lots of yummy food, and now I'm attempting to wash about 12 loads of laundry. An absolutely fantastic weekend.

Well, I've got to go, lots to do.


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