Monday, August 10, 2009


To all nursing mothers that read this blog:

Do you nurse in public?

Do you nurse in church?

Or do you go to the mother's room/bathroom to nurse?

Is there anywhere you wouldn't nurse?

Because I didn't nurse Indie that long I don't remember dealing with these issues. I feel like I am an idiot when it comes to trying to nurse while using a blankie in public. I went to church for my first time with the new baby yesterday and by the end of the day I felt like I had put on a nice dress to go sit in the mother's room to nurse and I barely heard a single thing. Anyways I just wanted to get all of your opinions.




At 11:28 AM , Blogger Brooke said...


I nurse everywhere except Sacrament meeting and Sunday School. Restaurants, everywhere- also, I hardly ever use a blanket (if we are out to eat with friends or in a REALLY obvious spot), just to get latched on but then I just pull my shirt way down. I can keep track of how covered I am. Since I don't use a blanket at home my kids don't like it over their faces and pull it off and there I am with my shirt riding up and showing way more skin than I'd like to or anyone would ever want to see. I normally use the blanket underneath the baby to cover all the chub I haven't lost yet!

At 1:26 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

i'm the same as brooke. i nurse anytime, anywhere. at church i will nurse in relief society but i go to the mother's room if i have to nurse during the other 2 meetings. i sometimes use a blanket if i have too but like brooke's kid, Finn will pull the blanket off so i'd rather be prepared up front (no pun intended). however i do know several women who swear by those "hooter hiders"/"udder covers". i myself think i will get one next time.

At 4:23 PM , Blogger Mindi said...

Picture this: I'm nursing Ruby in the middle of the sacrament, I'm wearing a silky shirt so the blanket keeps sliding off my shoulder, Tristan is crawling under the pew and bitting the ankles of the lady in front of us (figuratively), I'm trying to shoot fire through my eyes at Sierra to get her to stop teasing the kids behind us, and Kaia is whining that she is so thirsty that she is going to die. All of this leads to a pretty pitiful meal for Ruby, I should go to the mother's room and leave Adam with the circus, but I rarely do. I nurse everywhere and I always use a light blanket.

At 4:36 PM , Blogger Meags said...

i nurse everywhere sometimes even in sacrament because there are too many women in the mother's lounge and they think that i am there to talk to them instead of listen. and being the social person that i am that is what usually ends up happening. and no blanket because i have flashed more people that way!

At 7:22 PM , Blogger DARLA said...

I have nursed in Sac. Mtg. too, but try to sit in one of the side pews closest to the wall so I have that support. I don't always use blankets, but when they're brand new (the baby) you almost feel like you should since it always takes a while to get the beebs (my word for baby, sorry) to latch on. Like Ellynn, I've heard that those new nursing covers are wonderful. I wish I'd had one...

At 7:22 PM , Blogger DARLA said...

ha! That was obviously me, Darla..not Geof. (;

At 10:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i actually liked pretending it was geof.

At 11:19 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I do not nurse in public for 2 reasons.
1. Violet and I both are really bad at it. She likes to latch on and off as she sees fit through out the feeding. And I can barely manage her... let alone some sort of blankie or cover.
2. I am painfully shy about my body. I assume that people don't know that I have breasts and they certainly don't know what I use them for! I know, I'm weird.
I hope to be brave enough to nurse in RS someday. Because I too hate the thought of going to church just to sit in the mothers room the whole time.

At 2:20 PM , Blogger Ellynn said...

i'm with Cory and Julia i'm sorry, but you are not meagan. i think even gay men notice your boobs. ;)

At 4:56 PM , Blogger LeAnne said...

wait a minute are we talking julia's boobs or brind's? either way i think gay men would notice!!!

At 6:10 PM , Blogger Brind+Julia said...

HAHAHAHA! LeAnne, that is quite a mental image...


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