Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a small tribute to geoffy

so i think i will just tell a few things that make me love my little brother so much. i may have mentioned these things before, but it never hurts to repeat good things......
when geof. and i were little we were like oil and water. when we were in disney land and we had to have handhold buddies we never wanted to touch each other. that was very typical of every day life until geof. entered the 6th grade and i was in 8th. we ran cross country together and became best friends. that is also when i descovered that if my friends did not have a crush on my big brother they had a crush on my little brother. it was fun becoming friends with geof. he was a great kid and i had been missing it for my whole life. we could talk about anything and he was so fun and smart! when we moved to utah my favorite part of the day was driving to and from school. we loved listening to our a.m. only radio, waiting at train crossings for trains that never came in the winter wondering if the big yellow boat would start EVERY morning.
i think during our time in west layton geof. learned how to make every situation better. part of that skill came through his study and love of the scriptures. his example helped me through our next move to battle ground. he was so good to me! walking me to all of my classes sticking up for me to upper-classmen and then baptizing the love of my life. geof. you have done so much for me. i know he seems like a grump but really geof. is a lot more tender than he lets on.
geof. i love you and i am so grateful for your friendship. i miss you and can't wait til we can grow old and rich and have time to play together again.


At 12:56 PM , Blogger Darla said...

This was so sweet, Meags. He IS tender, isn't he?! Thank you for being such a good sister to him. All of you!! What an amazing family Geof. comes from. Probably why he's so amazing himself. (;
And Ellynn, I can just see you and Geof. hopping from couch to couch singing that song. I think it's great that I have a husband who sings with me, watches Masterpiece Theatre Jane Austin movies with me on Sunday nights, and and teach me the gospel anytime my faith is wavering.
And not to forget you, Mindi! You have the best sense of humor. The pics of Ruby (why don't I know her?!) were so great! Not to mention your narration! haha


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