A few finals down and one to go. I still have a knot in my stomache wondering what my grade on those finals will be but I’m sure it will dissipate by the weekend. It’s been good reading all of the blogs. Alicia I’m sorry you are stressed with the move. Jessica good luck with the papers. Send it to Cory when you’re done so he can proof read. He was up til 1 this morning looking over one of mine and I think it was as much fun for him as it was for me. You know what would make your lives happier? Watch house of flying daggers with the English dub ins (hysterical). Okay Coles’ ears are still draining and because they removed the adenoids through the throat his breath reeks. All day long we try to brush his teeth and feed him toothpaste, altoids, whatever it takes. We’re moving tomorrow which should be as much fun as urinating on an electric fence. Get through til Monday and then I can test out my new golf clubs and relax a touch until the check ride. I need to go check on the delinquents so I’ll talk to you later. p.s. we will trade Cole for Sadie.
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