Thursday, September 15, 2005

Aren't we all so dang funny?

I really want to print all of these blogs out into a hardback copy of our lives. Jess, loved the Jazzy Jess. Mindi, hilarious the words to that song. Actally I was dying at everyones blogs.
Ya, we're really proud of our junior trucker Chloe. Today's phrase was the best. I was nursing Maddie when Clo decided to kick off her diaper. After asking her a million times to bring it to me and to stop rubbing her little bum all over the LuvSac she finally obeyed. I was trying to put it back on one-handed and was starting to get "an-gry". Son of a #$%@+! I exclaimed. Clo quickly reminded me "Not son of a b%$#& mom, oh dangit." That's what I tell her anytime she says it. Pretty funny. My own words coming back to haunt me from a 2 year old. Anyway Clo just told me it's "time to lay down" so I'll blog ya tomorrow. Leash


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