Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Oh sweet, innocent Geoffie

I realize that the word "stake conference" conjures up two very different definitions between the two of us. My family's definition: (as defined since we were little by my father) free day. Your family's definition: how can I help and what can I sing? It took until I got older that I realized that we really should be going to it. I would love to go to it now were it not for the fact that it would be like 2 sacraments back to back. Clo has to run up and smack the stand at least twice during sacrament and any rest song is the perfect excuse to do pirouettes in the aisle. I just don't think I could handle it mentally.

I can't and I won't believe that LeAnnie has an ipod. Crazy.

Mindi, I was laughing out loud at how you said you were laughing too long at your shirt joke. Oh the high school jobs.

Well it's the most magical time of the day - nap time. Later, Alicia


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