Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Feliz Cumple Adam!!

Adam!! You're 30!! Happy Day to you. Thanks for sharing your day with the rest of us. I've been sitting by my phone with a book in my hand just waiting for you to call...still no call! (only Adam will get this one you guys). I'm soo glad to hear Ellynn is doing well. I'm DYING to see her. I wish we could head up there this weekend. I'm going crazy! We might just have to wait until Brinders is there too. Anyway, life is going well except for that whole winter thing. Is it me or is this the longest winter EVER?! Maybe it's knowing this could possibly be our last winter in Provo that makes it so hard. I don't know. Geof. flies and works all day and I wish any day that some awesome job would just land in our laps and we'd be done with this phase in our lives. Do I sound like a whiner or what? I don't mean to be. So the bishop's wife called me last Sunday and wants me to sing with her and another lady in our ward on SUnday. here's the catch: she (the bishop's wife) has an incredibly beautiful voice and the other lady sings in the Tab. Choir. No joke!! I'm freaking out here. And we're singing some song from the old hymnbook that has three women parts...acappella! I don't know what she was thinking asking me. I'm saying that in all honesty. Not for compliments (as Geof. would like to think). I rarely sing anymore and when I do it's in the shower or the car. So wish me luck 'cuz I might start crying half way through. Well the kids are adorable. Cole, as hard as he can be, is starting to talk so much more and he says the funniest things. A lot of the time he's just copying me so I feel horrible when he screams "get away from me!" which I tend to do to way too often when he can't stop climbing all over me. Dayne loves her voice and uses it often. I don't see her walking any time soon which I kind of like. She still just scoots around the house on her belly. Time to go. hope all is well. LEash!!! where are you?! can't you blog at someone elses house? and brooke? come on. we miss you. Congrats on the house Jess and Tony. what's it like? I keep imagining my first house to be in a cute little older neighborhood with fun things like built in bookcases and hutches and beautiful hard wood floors. I lay in bed at night imagining all the fun things I'd do to it. No worry. just another 10 yrs. or so. Darla


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