Wednesday, July 12, 2006

CPR for the blog

Last Wednesday night a counselor in our bishopric called to see if we wanted to speak sometime this month. I, of course, didn’t want to but to get it over with we decided to do it on Sunday. It actually went rather well. I felt pretty good about my talk and Tony did a great job, he threw in all these basketball and Tour de France analogies and had all the guys interested. I am glad it is over although every time I speak it gets easier and I shouldn’t be so nervous.

We had a great surprise Monday night in the form of a beautiful, tan, funny young Finn named Ellynn. It was great to see her and it took everything in my little girl heart not to jump in the car and drive up to Washington with her. Mom gently reminded me that there is a lingering house bill that I work to pay for. Gone are the days of flying by the seat of my pants. One day…

Last night mom and I went to watch Lindsey’s softball game and we saw Brad’s new twins. They are adorable.

Tony is 80 hours behind on his clinical hours for school so he is working like a mad man to get caught up. Too bad he doesn’t get paid for it. Today he went to his first job from 8 to 2:30 and then his 2nd job from 3 to 7 and then he will go do some clinical hours from about 8 to midnight. We will get to see each other for about an hour today from 7 to 8 although it will consist of eating, cutting his hair and getting some carpet from mom’s neighbor to put in our storage room.

Life is extremely busy right now, but what can you do. Our yard is suffering a bit because of it. We have managed to kill the grass in our backyard so I am watering every night to try and bring it back. Tony’s grandpa gave us some tomato plants and they were dying as well so I decided I needed to make a space in our garden for them. When I say garden I mean pile of crap that has been sitting there for who knows how long. I cleared about a 2 foot by 4 foot plot and it took me close to 3 hours, all the while being attacked by bumble bees… note to others, wasp spray does not kill bumble bees. Later that night I wanted Tony to see it so we walked outside with a flashlight. He said, “Wow you got a lot done!” And I said, “No I didn’t, I didn’t do all that.” We found out our nice neighbor had come and cleared some too. It was soooooo nice.

Okay I gotta run, I am at work and I am going to miss the bus if I don’t leave soon.

Love you all…Jess


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