Friday, February 29, 2008


I'm sure most of you have heard of this book. I hadn't until recently. My friend had it and I scanned through it at her house and was really excited to try it. I got it at the library a couple weeks ago and wasn't able to pull myself together until today to actually make some of the purees and bake something. The kids and I made Peanut Butter and Banana Muffins tonight (with hidden carrots). They LOVED it! I was a little nervous because Cole saw me scooping the carrot puree into the mix and said "yuck mom! Why are you putting carrots in there?" We ate about 2 each (okay I had 3) while watching a movie. I'm so excited. We'll see how motivated I am a month from now. Anyway, I noticed buds on all the trees today which was crazy. Spring happens overnight here. I love it. We are doing well. LeAnne left on Monday and the kids are still asking for her. Anytime Dayne see's anyone even remotely similar to Dana she says "There's Grandma!". So funny. She's talking so much now...a little too much. She sings constantly and the first thing she wants to do when we walk in the door is to turn the stereo on and dance. She's also starting to talk back quite a bit which I don't like. I'm not the kind of mom that can just laugh it off and call her "sassy". Any advice on this? Cole is learning so much and seems to enjoy his little pre-k class. It was really hard for me to finally agree to put him in, but it was pretty necessary with the situation we're in: with nobody Cole's age close by to play with or do school. It's all day everyday here which I don't like at all, but I talked to his teacher and she said it was fine if we wanted to pick him up early (or just take him out when we idea). June is still tiny and adorable which is why I seemed to have forgotten that she's 8 months!! I've been so exhausted and cranky from lack of sleep and am determined to get her sleeping through the night. Tonight will be night 2 of the 5, 10, 15 minute checking in/letting baby cry it out method. No, I don't know the technical term. It was difficult last night but I felt okay about it. I'm just too grumpy of a mom or wife without my sleep. Well, I've bored you all to tears. We loved reading the blogs about the wedding. We wish we could of been there. Cort and Rodger, Congrats! You both looked smokin' HOT! (: love, Darla and fam


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