Sunday, June 07, 2009


A very brief update is that we found out we had faulty pipe so luckily Shell Oil Co. who manufactured it had to pay to have our house completely replumbed. What a nightmare involving Many Many holes in walls and ceilings. Some as big as 8x10 through out the house and lots of dust and mess for 3 weeks.  Poor Darla and kids had their last days here in an absolute disaster!

Mon. May 11th I woke up at 3:30am to take Ellery to the airport for a job interview in Texas. Ruby, Ruby, Ruby was born. I went to work. And Darla, Cole, Dayne, and June Bug moved back to Richmond.

Tues. I went to work--left a bit early to catch my flight to Denver to Play with the Denver Bennetts for 2 weeks, YEAH!  That day they finished mudding, sanding and spraying all the holes. Scarey eh? Not really because Ellery comes home and digs in with the help of the sister missionaries to clean up the mess AND. . .

Jason, Ellynn and Finn move from Meagan and Cory's playroom to our spacious, 1200 ft. basement apartment.  Elly makes it her own as only the Tetris Queen can! Everything cleaned and in place.  Wonderful!

Now all I have to worry about is the painting, yard and the ---- deck!

FOR the goodbye part--Dang it is hard. It seems I am missing someone no matter where I am, but our family cannot seem to stay put for long. We miss our Richmond Bennetts. Fun while it lasted!

The last night Cole was here he and Wil had a "slumber party"  with G'ma in my bed.  We put a movie in my little dvd player and snuggled down together.  I asked about a Harry Potter movie.  Wil told me that wasn't a Sunday movie. (Our little apostle) We settled on The Last Mimsy. (is that better?) They were so tired, but had to stay awake to the end. They both wanted to sleep next to me so lucky me, I got middle! I was snuggled all night between two stinky sweaty little six year old boys. Not stinky nasty sweaty just the smell of little boys that have jumped on the tramp and wrestled and played hard outside for most of the day smell. No place I would rather be as I knelt over them for my prayers and asked Heavenly Father to bless them that they would always love each other, be close and be good boys!

After 2 weeks that went by way too fast I had to say goodbye to my little babies in Denver. All of them. I had so much fun with them!!! I owed Sierra 2 chapters in Fablehaven. We were right at the scary part. I asked her if she wanted me to stop and she could read it with her mom in the daylight the next day. She assured me she was fine. Her eyes got bigger and bigger as I read to her by the light in the hallway. Just like old times when my kids were little. Kaia, wise little woman that she is  told me she was going to go to sleep. Which she promptly did. Adam stretched out in the hallway using a pile of books for a pillow. Mindi called to Tristan to climb into his crib. He said he wanted to snuggle with his dad. He is such a cute little kid, who can say no.  He goes into his room, grabs a pile of books off his bookshelf, brings them out and lays down next to his dad using them for his pillow.  They are always watching your example.

Hard to say goodbye, but I am grateful for the times I get to spend with them. So good to have Brooke and Mike relatively close. I have really been blessed to be able to see all them as much as I do! And my little Allen kids and Finners---LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Love to all, G'ma Dana


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