I'm supposed to be sleeping. Adam has the "three noisies" at the pool so you would think conditions would be perfect. I was up till who knows when trying to get Ruby to fall asleep last night, so I'm definitely tired. Nap time just didn't happen for anyone today so again...I'm tired. Sweet little Ruby was sleeping soundly until a few moments ago. I tried to nurse her back to sleep, but to no avail. Maybe it is because everyone in the neighborhood decided to mow and/or weed eat their lawn tonight. Is that a chain saw I hear too? I dunno. Adam took the camera to work a few days ago and I decided I was way behind on taking pics of Ruby. I started using Photo Booth here on my Mac. Something about the camera made Ruby's stomach decide it was time to eject buckets of milk. That is what is happening in the picture above. But to prove she is a delightful little cutie see photo below:
Reddish brown hair, blue eyes, light olive skin, delightful personality--maybe I'm biased. I think she is mad about her name, though. Oh, she likes "Ruby", we all do. It is the middle name that is the problem. I want her middle name to be "Josephine" (my dear Grammy's middle name--well, her birth certificate says "Joe" because her dad wanted her to be a boy, but her mother always called her "Barbara Josephine"). Adam wants Ruby's middle name to be "Danger". He is still upset with me for not letting him use that middle name for Tristan. Pfssshhh, like I'm in any shape to raise a "Danger" for Pete's sake. So what do you think? Should it be "Ruby Josephine", "Ruby Danger", or "Ruby No-Middle-Name"? We'll keep putting off the baby blessing (just like we did with Tristan) until this is resolved. Ruby needs your help.
Mindi, I could picture your voice perfectly while I read this blog. Ruby is absolutely beautiful. As for my vote, I think you should name her- Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby and sing it every time you say it. A close second would be Ruby Josephine. Also, I really love Ruby Brooke, just throwing that out there.
Is she the most beautiful baby ever?!? Ummm yes! It makes me even more excited for my little narfer. As far as the name goes...I like Josephine and I like that it has meaning being your grandmas middle name.
cory votes for ruby boobie. i think adam will go for it. i don't know brooke's idea with the 4 rubyies is pretty dang good, but not ruby brooke, but ruby meagan. aww that sounds nice. and some day i will be somebodies g'ma. now i love my brother but i think josephine is right choice. adam......get a hampster and name it danger.
Josephine or just plain Ruby works wonders. She is a doll, looks just like all the others:) Danger....seriously?
Josephine sounds so formal for a baby. What about using just Joe? (I think thats a neat story.) Too manly? Jo? I dunno, my second choice would be for Cory's idea ;)
Josephine to "formal"? No way! It's beautiful. That's my niece's middle name-Thea Josephine. I LOVE it. However, it would be cute to call her "Joe". (;
I have to say Josephine. FYI - we didn't give Lindsey a middle name because we couldn't decide. When she was 8, 9 or however old she was, she told us that she felt bad that she didn't have a middle name. That's when we went and had it changed to Lindsey Arlene!! There you have it. A name with meaning. Lindsey loves hers. Ruby will also. Have Adam change his name to Adam Ellery Danger Bennett! She is beautiful!!
I love Joanies idea. Adam Ellery Danger Bennett. It has a certain ring and as his mother I don't have to worry about it's impact any more.
Josephine and then call her Joe win win
I can't believe how much she has grown and changed already!
I think Ruby Josephine and then call her Ruby Joe. Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby has been stuck in my head since the day you posted that video so please don't name her that. Danger is more a state of mind than a name. Adam i love you but get over it. Tristian is anything but "danger". so actually i think you should put that in his name to toughen him up just a bit. hahaha!
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