Is that safe for human consumption?
I know I just wrote, but Clo is seriously trying to push me over the edge, so we're having some alone time. Me with the computer, her with Big Bird.
This morning Clo came into our room and after she was sure she had woken us both up, she climbed back off the bed and started playing quietly by herself. She normally plays with her puzzles and books that add the sophisticated touch to our room for a few minutes until we get out of bed. A few minutes pass and she stands up smacking her lips in disgust, saying "ginkie water, ginkie water!" (drinkie water). I just told her to go over to the sink, grab her cup and have a drink. She kept pointing to the ground until I rolled over and saw what it was she was snacking on. An old bottle of KY Jelly. She had managed to squeeze it all over the floor and I guess decided to give it a try. A gross story, but hillarious at the same time.
Well, if I could think of anything else to say I'd certainly write it. I don't want to go do anything else besides crawl right back into bed. I have no energy. I know that if I went for a walk I'd feel better, but I can feel my veins getting bigger in my legs the more I stand. I'm real excited about this pregnancy's gift - varicose veins. Anyway, maybe I'll go check out Big Bird. Love Leash
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