Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Allens, I'm so sorry to hear about Pop. I couldn't even imagine how I'd deal with the loss of my Pop, or Gram. How are your kids holding up? My Gram had lung surgery yesterday and has to stay in the hospital till Saturday. Every time we go to visit I imagine getting to her room and seeing a swarm of nurses and doctors and getting the feeling that something has gone wrong and that we've lost her. At which point I would collapse into a heap in the middle of the hall with my girls in my arms and cry and cry and cry. Needless to say I'm pretty teary-eyed by the time I get to gram's room, fighting off all those thoughts. And I just found out that the valve she had replaced three years ago on her heart is only supposed to last 7 to 10 years and she told Pop that she is NEVER having open heart surgery again. It is all so heartbreaking. But on the lighter side, my girls and I were walking down the hall in the hospital, almost to gram's room (so I was distracted with my thoughts, not paying enough attention to where Sierra was) and I look over just in time to see Sierra hit the big blue handicap button that opens the door to this lady's room. Boy was she surprised to have her door open for no apparent reason as she is getting dressed. The look of shock and embarrassment on that poor, helpless old woman's face will for ever be burned into my mind. It was horrible, I didn't even say sorry, I just grabbed Sie and ran into gram's room. Just at that moment I noticed a sign that said "No children under the age of 12". Whoops. I'm going to have to start sneaking them in with the cleaning cart. Speaking of sneaking into hospitals, have I ever told you about the time Gram dressed up in a nurse costume to go visit her friend in the hospital? She put on this old, old nurse outfit, did her hair and make-up very badly, and walked into her friend's room like she owned the place. She pulled out a urine sample cup, filled it with Mountain Dew, then handed it to her friend along with an aspirin and told her to take it. I guess the look of shock and confusion on her friend's face made gram burst into laughter and ruin her joke before she got to the blood sample. Then another time Gram was visiting my uncle in the hospital and took some flowers from uncle dave's room that he didn't want and pretended she was a delivery person and took the flowers into a random room. As luck has it, she delivered the flowers to a man who was dying of AIDS. The lover was sitting there and insisted that my gram tell him who the flowers where from. She tried to cover her tracks and say they were anonymous, but apparently the lover had his mind fixed that they were from someone that his man had been cheating on him with. It turned into a big terrible scene and my gram feels so guilty to this day for the trouble she caused there. Sorry, I just suddenly felt like sharing stories of memorable hospital visits.
Can we hear the details of the great banana fight of '91?


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