Friday, January 13, 2006


"Wunder Kann man rational nicht erklaren. Sie geschehen, wenn man den Geboten Gottes gehorcht." Elder Dallin H. Oaks
Brooke, your mom bought me a subscription to the 'Liahona' in German a year or so ago. The above quote says something important about miracles, I was hoping you could figure it out for me :).
Adam made us ice cream shakes tonight for dessert and Kaia has a river of purple ice cream running down her body. The great blessing of this pregnancy is that sugar makes me feel even worse, so it has been great avoiding it. The curse is that around 6 or 7 every night I suddenly melt into a useless blob and either crawl in bed or lie on the couch. Adam has been amazing: coming home from work, making dinners, cleaning up, getting the girls to bed, etc. I told him that my grandma called and said how she felt so sorry for me, and he said "why feel sorry for you! You've got it easy around here." He was teasing, but not.
Mike, should I be wary of "Men-In-Black"-looking guys coming to the house to place bugs, or is it much more high-tech than that? So far the only visitors we have is the poor sheep lady next door. I looked out the window yesterday and she was standing in the back yard next to Max's dog run with a pittiful look on her face. I went out and said "hi" and she looked really suprised and started telling me that she thought we moved out and how worried she is about Max being so skinny. So she brought over a big cup of dog food and put it on the sidewalk for him to eat. I asured her that we feed him everyday and that he is fine. It only took about 30 minutes from the time she left to the time the police arrived at my door. It was a really nice officer and he said Max looked just fine and that he would put in the notes that there is no need to send out the cops on us again. I feel really sorry for the lady next door. She wanders around in her bathrobe at all hours of the day and she spends a lot of time cleaning up after her sheep that she rescued from someone who wanted to eat it.
Anyway, Lyd if you get a chance to road trip to Crested Butte definetely go. I've heard it is beautiful, but unfortunetly is isn't in our neck of the woods. Also, please post your new address so we can send you large sums of money for your birthday. Or...maybe just a picture taped on a card.
Northwesterners, if you need a break from the wet you could always come to sunny Colorado. We've had 27 days of straight sunshine to match your 27 straight days of rain.
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