Friday, January 13, 2006

hello hello

Wow what has it been probably 2 months of the blog not having me! Yeah I bet you re all pretty happy to see me back on! Lets break down the salt lake house situation. Jordan and I were sharing a room that was fun and fine and cheap, Chels was upstairs and hardly home, -working, school, etc. Jordan was gone most of the time working graveyards and what not, he and I hardly saw each other. And above all our roommates were a little wack, so yes we all went our separate ways. Still loving and happy cousins just not happy with our roommates that would steal Jordans parking spot and would have a conniption fit if I borrowed their syrup (really it’s just syrup –right! That’s a story within itself!) Plus Jordan and I quickly realized that we were paying 250 each a month to pretty much cover the cost of other rooms. So we got out quick and may have lost out on our deposits but oh well!

New 411 on me, I moved about 3 blocks away into some apartments that are pretty nice. I have my own room for once in my life of living on my own, but I am paying more. My landlord knocked off 150 for first months rent for me to come in and clean. I told her I’d do whatever she wanted for her to knock off that much! I live with the landlords daughter Portia who is a little rock climber and is in tons of competition many of which are in Colorado -so hello road trip! And hello cousins (and new foreign arab cousins, I guess!) Just kidding but not really how far is your place from Crestabutte?

I’m working 40 hours a week at Fidelity Investments, thanks to Jessica and the sweet hook up with that. Which is a little crazy and hard –I’m still learning, I told a lady the other day that the Dow was at 10,966 something dollars instead of points. Yeah like I said I’m still learning, but making bank! I also just got registered for all my classes and just finished my first week. I’m taking more than a full load, which you may all think I’m crazy, working 40 hours plus 16 credit hours. But get real people I’m majoring in some form of art -graphic design, or visual arts, etc. My classes consist of a special studies screen printing class (which I’m more than in love with 2nd semester around as an advanced class), a digital media class (my teacher is a treky/hippie if one was ever made!), oil painting, and a psychology class. Really all I have to do is show up! Besides that all I do is work and work, oh and I ski, I ski a lot. By myself, with my friends, whoever –I’m always up on the slopes and the snow has been phenomenal! But I’m not gonna lie, there have been some close calls in me being stupid and think I can do anything! No thanks to my friends that take me and push my limits and then I go back on my own and think I can do the same, even on heavy powder days!

I’m glad to hear everyone is doing well. To touch on Alicias stories of my mother dear dear Jacki and her crazy phone calls to me, she did in fact inform me that my dad was moving in with his parents! It was classic but kinda scary she called me and hadn’t remembered that I was just in to visit her and was wondering where I was. I just started to laugh cause I thought she was kidding. So I asked where dad was and she then informed me that he was moving out to his parents, I tried correcting her in saying “you mean he just went to visit them”, and she said no that he went home to pack and is moving out with them! Oh precious memories. But she’s doing well and came the other day to see my new place. Anyhow that’s all for today I have to get back to the phones! Peace out Lydia!


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