Sunday, January 15, 2006


Brooke, my mom just took my brother to the eye doctor last week and discovered he has a serious learning disability. I can't remember the name for it, but his eyes take a really long time to focus and he can't look at something by just moving his eyes around he has to turn his whole head. There are some other details that I've forgotten, but the point is that Jay isn't a wild and crazy kid for no reason, he has a disability that prevents him from staying focused on reading, etc. So my mom signed him up for therapy and she has a friend at church whose child has the same problem and she said therapy has worked wonders. So this is great that Ellyn can start programs that will help her before she gets into kindergarten and the teacher starts telling you that she is just a bad kid or something terrible like that.
Well, Kaia is hitting me with a hacky-sack and yelling something that must mean "get off the computer now! or I'll never stop yelling."
Ha, I've silenced the two of them for a moment with frozen go-gurt. I think the following poem is going to go down as one of the LDS culture favorites now that President Hinckley and this month's Ensign have both quoted it. "The House by the Side of the Road" by Sam Walter Foss.
Let me live in my house by the side of the road--
It is here the race of men go by.
They are good, they are bad, they are weak,
They are strong,
Wise, foolish---so am I;
Then why should I sit in the scorner's seat,
Or hurl the cynics ban?
Let me live in my house by the side of the road
And be a friend to man.
One of Foss' other famous poems is called "The Coming American" and the following portion was inscribed on a granite wall at the
United States Air Force Academy to inspire cadets and future officers: "Bring me men to match my mountains, Bring me men to match my plains, Men with empires in their purpose, And new eras in their brains."
Now it is bed time, whooo hooooo blogger roooooo.


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