Saturday, January 14, 2006

Ellyn Update

I missed yesterday, I know many of you might be cheering. We had a very busy day. When don't we really? I've found that I feel like I have conquered Rainier if I can just get everyone, including Grandma, up, dressed and fed in the morning. It takes about as long as climbing Rainier as well.

Lyd and Chels, thanks for filling me in on the apt. thing. You have sufficiently satisfied my curiousity- in that category that is. Now we need to hear about the boyfriend situation from Chelsea. I echo the question- new? missionary home? Please share.

Well we had Ellyn's assessment yesterday and really I don't feel like talking about it but I will give you a brief rundown. She scored an average of 10 mos- 16 mos. development in every category but fine motor. She is borderline in that area for now. I guess this was worse than I had expected and they couldn't tell me one way or the other if this was something she would grow out of with therapy. She will start her program next week. She will be doing physical therapy, speech and cognitive stimulation, and I need to take her in to a pediatric physiatrist or a pediatric orthapedist for her little bow legs. Mike's sister, Anne-the college volleyball star- had to have braces for her bowlegs and they are concerned with Ellyn's because there is a family history. So for the next couple of weeks we will have home visits and then when Ellie turns two next month she will start attending a special therapy center pre-school twice a week for two hours a day. I know it's not the end of the world and it's good we got this started early but I'm sure you all know how you would feel if it was your little one. She is such a beautiful, sweet, loving baby and I want her to grow into a healthy, happy woman, to be able to marry in the temple, be a mom, all that good stuff. I know the Lord has a plan and it could go either way. I just have to be patient and do everything I can to ensure her success. So please keep her in your prayers.

Okay, I started this blog this morning and it's now 11:30 pm so I am off to bed. Mindi, someday I'll have an inkling of what you are saying in German. Until then, Ciao!

Blog, Brooke


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