Friday, January 20, 2006

Gentile Street

I am at work and it is soooo slow. Yesterday I fell asleep at my desk and I was bored to tears...literally, Tony called and I started crying to him because I was so bored. You have to understand that I think I might get in trouble for reading a book or surfing the net so all I get to do is stare at my excel spreadsheet and my work email inbox and act like I am busy. There is only so much I can do to stay busy. I have already cleaned all of the "Guest offices" and I have cleaned out all of the file cabinets and drawers in the copy machine room. I am going crazy here. My desk is so clean that people aren't even sure if I still sit here. What can you do. Today the guy I work with went home early so I am sneaking onto the blog.

Well let me explain the title and why I haven't written for so long:

On Monday the 9th of January I told Tony that something had to give. I was ready for a change (in my heart of hearts I was getting a little baby hungry) He told me that before any baby stuff could happen we needed a house. So we decided we should start looking.

On Tuesday the 10th, Tony was driving up Gentile to go to Weber and he saw a house for sale. He told me where it was and I said I didn't want to live on that busy street but he insisted that we go look at it.

On Thursday the 12th, we took a tour and I fell in love. These two brothers that are contractors by day decided to invest in a home and redo the whole inside. It is like a brand new house. It is still in the process of being finished but so far it is amazing. I just think it is so cozy. That night Dad, Alicia, Kev and our friend Neil all came to see it.

On Friday the 13th, Tony's mom came to see it and she too loved it. That day Tony started the ball rolling on getting a loan.

On Sunday the 15th, Tony, his mom and his brother played in church so afterward everyone went straight from the church to the house. Mom, Lyd, Grandma, Parker and my friend Allie all loved it too.

On Monday the 16th we sat down with them and made an offer.

So now the ball is really rolling. I have been freaking out...but in a good way. I have felt really good about it. I rate myself like this to Tony: 95% excited 5% nervous. It will be about 2-3 weeks for the house to be done so we are planning on the 15th of February to move in so that will be a nice Tony's Birthday/Valentine's/Anniversary/everything for the rest of our lives gift. I can't wait for you all to see it. I will post some pictures as soon as I can.
The only down fall is the busy road and you can't park along it but there is a huge garage and breezeway and we figure about 12 cars can fit in the driveway. There is a church around the corner that Lydia was joking we could shuttle from.
We got in early enough to pick the tile and carpet colors so that is what I will be doing this weekend. Tony is back on at work so that equals a less fun weekend. Oh well at least it is better then being at work with a blank stare and my mouse clicking furiously from screen to screen to look busy.

I have loved all the blogs lately, keep it up. I sneak a peek every once in a while at work and it is a lifesaver. I love you all. Love Jess


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