ColoradoBennett-Alma, NE
Leash, you were right. I was doing genealogy that morning. We drove 6 hours out to Alma, NE to visit my bio dad and his mom who just got diagnosed with lung cancer. It wasn't as bad as I'd imagined, I did learn a lot of family history stories, most of which I wish I'd never heard. Most importantly, I learned that I am 1/32nd Cherokee Indian. One step closer to being just like the ideal "in-law", Cory Allen. But the bread thing, I only wish I had a loaf in the oven. I made the terrifying discovery that I have an intolerance to wheat and have been trying to avoid all forms of it.
On Friday night we went to the mtns with some friends and Adam brought along a bunch of MREs from his old 72hour kit. I was super hungry, I think we all were, so we ate the MREs ignoring the fact that our every instinct told us not to do so. Well, it was a long jeep ride down the mtn, and VERY bumpy, with Sierra on my lap, and I was ready to send that MRE right back into nature. Not too long ago I was thinking, why not invest a ton of money into MREs and use that as food storage. Boy have I ever changed my mind. I felt terrible for two days post-mre-consumption.
Gee, Geof. I don't know where you are supposed to be in the BOM. Just read a chapter a day and then cram the rest in on Dec. 31st. Your little adventure in Cali sounded great. When is the next trip to Colo? Meagan, we are equally counting down the days until the Washington exodus. Do you guys have an extra port-a-crib lying around that I can use for Kaia? And if you ever see any cloth diapers for sale, I'm looking for a few. I've discovered that having 8 just doesn't cut it for full time cloth diaperness.
"Alright. Already. Even if things get heavy, we'll all blog on alright." Modest Mouse
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