Wednesday, March 28, 2012

...I'm 30 and I know it...

Hey peeps,

Geez, it's been so long since I've blogged I hardly remember how!!!

In case you didn't see this on facebook, do you guys remember mine and Ellynn's friends from Provo, Ben and Coby Jones? Well Coby's wife Sarah has this darling blog that is dedicated to being 30 and loving it. So since I am now 30 she asked if she could do a little ditty about me and I jumped on it. Check it out...

I've been meaning to jump on the blogging bandwagon all month. We are having some major issues with our iPhoto so uploading pictures from our computer is impossible. I just haven't taken the time to blog from my phone. But I will. As soon as my taxes are done. In fact, that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now, so don't tell Tony!

Monday, March 26, 2012


Good news: Geof. and I have iPhones!

Bad news: My friend found lice in Dayne's hair, then Cole's, then mine..

Pray for Dad

Story from Sunday's YW lesson:
Invite the assigned class member to share the following story of how one young woman was impressed by Elder Ezra Taft Benson’s family as they strengthened him in his priesthood role:
“The first time [I came] to the Salt Lake Tabernacle for a general conference of the Church I was awed by the immensity of the building, but even more by the room-filling presence of the General Authorities who were assembled there.
“In my growing-up years, many of them had visited our small branch in Montana. We had no television, nor could we receive conference on the radio. So we looked forward to each visit as a special blessing. They had, it seemed to me, a power and faith above other men.
“Then on [that] April day … I discovered one source of a General Authority’s strength.
“I was seated with the six children of Elder Ezra Taft Benson, one of whom was my college roommate. My interest heightened when President McKay arose and announced the next speaker. I watched respectfully as Elder Benson, whom I had not yet met, walked toward the microphone. He was a big man, well over six feet tall. He was a man with a Ph.D., a man internationally known as the United States Secretary of Agriculture and a special witness of the Lord, a man who seemed serene and sure, one who had addressed audiences throughout the world. Suddenly a hand touched my arm. A little girl leaned toward me and whispered urgently, ‘Pray for Dad.’
“Somewhat startled, I thought, ‘This message is being passed down the row, and I am to pass it on. Shall I say, “Pray for Elder Benson”? Shall I say, “You’re supposed to say a prayer for your father”?’ Sensing the immediate need to act, I leaned over and whispered simply, ‘Pray for Dad.’
“I watched that whisper move along the row to where Sister Benson sat, her head already bowed.
“Many times since that day I have remembered that message—Pray for Dad, the patriarch of the home. Pray for him as he serves as district president or home teacher. Pray for him when he becomes executive secretary of a civic group, when his business flourishes, or when he takes a cut in salary. Pray as he gives counsel in family home evening. Pray for Dad who works long hours so that Jerold can go on a mission and Diane can go to college. Pray for him as he speaks in sacrament meeting or gives Mother a blessing that she might be made well again. Pray as he baptizes William or gives a tiny, newborn baby a name and a father’s blessing. And in the evening, should he come home tired or discouraged, pray for him. Pray for Dad in all that he might do—the small things and the great.
“As years have passed, general conferences have come and gone, and each time President Benson has stood to speak, I have thought, ‘His children, who are scattered across the continent, are united now in prayer for their father.’
“And I have come to believe that the brief message that passed along the row … years ago is the most important message a family can share. What extraordinary power and faith any man can have to meet the daily challenge of his life if somewhere in the world his daughter or son is whispering, ‘Pray for Dad’” (Elaine S. McKay, “Pray for Dad,” New Era, June 1975, p. 33).

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I'm tellin' you..I love taking pictures again. What a world of difference it makes to have a decent camera (Costco had a great deal on my favorite Canon!)..and if you're tired of the mega upload of DARLA pics on here..and if we have to pay for storage space some day..feel free to delete mine. :)

So I bought these funny bandage things at BigLots for next to nothing for my first-aid storage. Dayne used one for the first time the other day when she scraped her arm real bad climbing down from our tree. She soon realized how cool they were and she, Cole, and June have been sporting different Madonna looks ever since.

We've had some thunderstorms the last few days and a Friday night walk called to us, so we decided to take the kids to University of Richmond campus to walk around. Absolutely beautiful campus. Not sure what warrants an "ivy-league" title, but the image this school put off definitely makes you feel like you're at one. Our kids running around screaming, chasing the geese, and the usual Cole/Dayne argument did not fit in well with the high-class, east coast/old money south, polo/khaki short wearing, ..and don't forget the dock shoes (did I get that all right?) look and attitude strolling the paths. Still, no one complained and we finished our walk unbothered.

Sat. there was a free climbing day at the local gym. I jumped on the opportunity because we had done it last year and the kids climbed all day (it seemed). This year they were only allowed one climb a piece. Dayne and Cole went first-side by side. Cole didn't make it up half-way and surprisingly, was okay with Dayne's lack of fear climbing to the top. We found out last year that Cole does NOT LIKE HEIGHTS. June went after them and climbed a tall, swaying ladder to the tippy-top, reaching the "monkeys" and belaying back down without any signs of discomfort or fear.
(like the rainboots? Yeah, it was pouring all morning and we'd been at the church earlier for an Easter egg hunt..just never changed.)

A neighbor friend of mine and I recently were given two free 2-week passes to this same gym and had a blast becoming belay-certified and then going a few mornings a week climbing together. I would buy a pass here over my gym pass anyday..if only they had daycare.

Yes! Another pic of our tree.. :} ..and some cute kids climbing it.
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lego Girls

Sierra and Kaia have taken over Tristan's Legos. They played for a long time today. Such a big difference in the way boys and girls play with Legos. Tristan's friends come over, dump out the Legos everywhere and that's pretty much it. The girls build intricate designs and spent a lot of time explaining every detail.
Sierra said something to me while we were swimming today that I don't want to forget. Suddenly she looks at me and says, "I just thought of a question. Why can we breath air in our mouth and out our nose, but we can't do that with water?" Then she gulps water into her mouth and attempts to shoot it out her nose. I REALLY wish I could have taken a picture at the exact moment when she realized that was a very bad idea. So.stinking.funny.

Friday, March 23, 2012


Most Thursdays I try to get a group of my girlfriends together for a playdate. This past Thursday we went down to one of our family's favorite parks and walked along the pretty paths. This was one of the first places we explored when we arrived in Richmond. Down in that river were 3 turtles. The kids loved it!

Dylan and June (Dylan is the oldest of Seth and Emily's-who Geof. works with).

Pretty Milo. Such a sweet, cute boy. 2nd boy (out of 3).

Dayne reading all about Eleanor Roosevelt (who she learned about in school this week) to Geof. He really does have her full attention..

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Best Sandwich Ever!

Tristan made himself a "sandwich" after school today. After snarfing it down, he declared it to have been "the best sandwich ever". I thought I'd share the recipe:
One freshly cooked tortilla
1/4 can of tuna
1/2 cup steal cut oats cooked with coconut milk
9 olives
Roll it all together in the tortilla and eat BIG bites, Tristan style.


We went ice skating as a joint YM/YW activity on Tuesday. My sister in law watched Adam for me so I could take Finny. He LOVED it! It was so much fun! The girls adore Finn :)

I love this picture of Finn. He's thinking "really mom? How many more pictures are we going to take? Just want to skate.
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Afternoon with Geof....and June

I'm sure the pics of my tree in the front yard are getting old..but I'm so in love! Every day the flowers open up more and we're all in awe.

June and I accompanied Geof. on a job he had near downtown because some days (most days) the thought of my daily tasks are just too daunting and I have to get away for a bit...or a week. Whatever's offered.

Junie almost immediately fell asleep. I love this pic..she's still got a little pudge and baby lips.

After Geof.'s job we went up to the historical Church Hill neighborhood. If we didn't have kids, we'd live here. Many of the homes are being restored and are absolutely beautiful!

It didn't take June long to wake up and enjoy the walk. Some guy had two HUGE geese in his yard. "Pets" he called 'em. They were LOUD. Don't know how fond his neighbors are of those geese. ;)

This little tiny "fairy village" (only name I could think of) was set up right at the corner of two streets. And it looked like it'd been there for quite a while..June was very intrigued.

Geof. could live in Richmond forever. He told me today that while we were living in WA he would dream of coming back to Richmond. I too, really enjoy Richmond and its history and beauty..but I miss the mountains..and the air..and west coast mentality..and family.
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For years on their birthdays I would relate to the kids their birth stories. I will here relate Geof.'s FAVORITE PART....

"It's a BOY!" O MY WORD!!! We knew it was a boy because the second he cleared the womb, while he was suspended upside down, by one foot, in mid air he started to hose down the entire room!!! Dr. Naisbitt quickly handed him off to the nurse. Geof. got the nurse too. She wrapped him up, thinking he was done and handed him to Ellery. Ellery snuggled him for a minute or two before letting me hold him. Apparently Geof. wasn't done as El looks down at the big wet spot on the surgical gown they used to have you wear in the delivery room. At that same moment I am experiencing a warm, wet sensation spreading across my chest. Yes, Yes , he got us all including the next nurse that took him to be weighed and measured. Geof. weighed in at 7 lbs. 10 oz. minus at least 16 oz. of additional fluid used to leave his mark!

Stories: Geof. has a tenacity that is amazing! One time Adam had Geof. pinned and was letting his spit drool out within inches of Geof.'s face. It was getting closer each time before Adam would slurp it back up. (Make a mental note here; boys are gross and Adam, in spite of what Mindi thinks hasn't always been perfect). Geof. yells, "I can spit up as far as you can spit down!"

Cousin Lowell came to visit us when we lived in Issaquah and G'pa Bennett was in the hospital. We came home one time to find out Lowell had hung Geof. upside down by one ankle over the 2nd story landing trying to get him to say "Uncle." Geof. wouldn't do it. There were tears coming out of his eyes and rolling down his forehead, but he wouldn't give in. Thankfully Lowell got tired of the game and let him go before he dropped him.

Geof. loves to read. I convinced him one time that he needed to read Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. He was not very enthused but did it. When he finished the book he said, "Mom, Mark Twain really knew what boys liked!"

He loves the scriptures. One year while I was at camp he read the entire Book of Ether to Ellynn, Brind and Brind's friend, Donald out on the tramp. Brind and Donald spent the rest of the summer acting out the destruction of the Jaredite nation!

In high school he lettered in cross country, wrestling and track all in one year. They wrote him up in the school paper as the Stormin Mormon! He tried so hard to be an example all the time.

He graduated from college Cum Laude in the demanding field of Aviation while working 3 jobs, with 2 kids and one on the way. Currently he is a home appraiser...yet another successful career. He and Darla are the quintessential hosts for a visit on the East coast. So Fun and truely wonderful!!!

He continues to show that same tenacity in every aspect of his life which is a good thing since he has his own Huckleberry Finn/Tom Sawyer, Minni Me Darla (all the independence and not quite the good judgement her mom has yet) and the Future Opera Diva to raise.

You continue to leave your Mark on the world Geoffrey George and I mean that in the best way possible. You are an AMaZinG MaN and we are all blessed to have you in our lives!!!

Love You,

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sun & Snow

A while ago my aunt mentioned that her boyfriend's company has two passes to Eldora ski resort available every day of the season (first come first serve). They said not many people use them, and we could reserve them anytime we wanted. I'm sure they didn't expect us to take them up on the offer so eagerly, but seriously? free skiing? normally $70 a pop! for free? YEESSSSS! It took lining up 3 different friends/family members to watch our 4 kids, but Adam and I were able to get up there today. It was beautiful. Only I forgot the sunblock. I asked Ad if we could just get some at the lodge, "Naw, we'll be fine" he says. Right.